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Admin: Setup QuickBooks For ZenCase

How To Setup And Configure Your QuickBooks Online Account For ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over 10 months ago

How to Setup And Configure QuickBooks Online

For the best experience integrating your QuickBooks Online account in ZenCase, please follow the guidelines specified below.

Only QuickBooks administrators have the ability to configure the firm's account settings.

Enable Track Classes and Track Locations

With the QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced subscription, you have the option to track classes and locations in QuickBooks. This will allow you to organize transactions by Class. Zencase sets the firm member as the "Class" in QuickBooks to give you deeper insights into expenses and profitability per member.

It is recommended to turn on Track Classes and Track Locations for the best reporting experience in QuickBooks, as well as in ZenCase.

  • From the upper right corner, click on the gear icon

  • Click "Account and Settings"

  • On the left sidebar navigation, click "Advanced"

  • Under Categories, click on the pencil icon next to "Track Classes" and "Track Locations"

  • Check the "Track classes" checkbox

  • Set assign classes to "One to each row in transaction"

  • Check the "Track locations" checkbox

  • Set Location label to "Division"

  • Click "Save"

  • When you're done adjusting settings, then click "Done"

Disable Automatically Apply Credits

When applying ZenCase credit memos, ZenCase needs to be able to apply these credit memos specifically to an invoice you have chosen to allocate the funds towards. In order to do this, we must disable the automatic application of credits by QuickBooks to allow ZenCase to determine where credits should be applied.

  • On the Account Settings > Advanced page, toggle the button to disable the "Automatically apply credits" option

  • Click "Save"

  • Click "Done"

These should be all the settings you need configured for QuickBooks Online Plus or Advanced subscription.

Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks

There are certain accounts that are required for ZenCase to work properly in QuickBooks Online. You can setup accounts manually in the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks, or you can choose to import accounts directly into QuickBooks Online.

Set the Following QuickBooks Accounts for ZenCase

Import Accounts Directly into QuickBooks

To simplify this process, you can import multiple accounts directly into QuickBooks Online. Below, you can download a QuickBooks sample accounts import file that will define all of the accounts required for ZenCase. Update the account names as needed.

Note: ZenCase has two optional sub-accounts for using our Pay When Paid feature. Sub-accounts in the sample import file above are denoted by a ":" colon symbol. For example, "Parent Account: Child Account" where the sub-account is after the colon.

Here are instructions on how to import accounts in QuickBooks

  • Go to the Chart of Accounts page. In the upper right corner of your QuickBooks account, click on the gear icon and you will see a link for "Chart of Accounts".

  • From the upper right hand corner, select "New" > "Import"

  • From the Import screen, select "Browse" and select the import file.

  • Click "Next"

  • You will see a screen to "Map Data" where you match up the appropriate column headers with the field to map the data.

  • Click "Next"

  • Now you will be able to confirm the accounts look correct before final import

  • Make adjustments as needed

  • Once everything looks good, then click "Import"

That's it! You should now see that your Chart of Accounts has successfully imported your accounts. Verify they are all correct and make any adjustments to opening balance as needed.

Make sure that the "Client Cost Advanced - Paid" and "Client Cost Advanced - Pay When Paid" accounts are both sub-accounts under the "Accounts Payable (A/P)" account for your firm.

If you have any problems with setting up Quickbooks with ZenCase, please let us know!

Note: Once you've setup QuickBooks in ZenCase, it is important that you make changes directly in ZenCase. Any changes to expenses, invoices, payments and/or trust transactions within ZenCase will be pushed to QuickBooks. However, any changes in QuickBooks will not directly sync to ZenCase.

Next, you will need to log into ZenCase and set up your billing with ZenCase.

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