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Apply Matter Level Credit To Pre-Bills

How To Apply Matter Level Credit To Pre-Bills In ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago


Before you can apply matter level credits to a pre-bill, you will need to have matter level credit available. You can review the following articles to assign matter level credit:

  • Assign Matter Level Credits

  • Perform Matter Level Credit Transfers

Once you have matter level credit available, you can apply the credit to a pre-bill.

Apply Matter Level Credit To Pre-Bills

You can apply matter level credit, also known as "unallocated funds", to a pre-bill only if the payment credit is assigned to the matter on the pre-bill. Matter level payment credit can be applied to a pre-bill, however client level payment credit must be assigned to a matter before the credit can be applied to a pre-bill.

  • Go to the Pre-Billed list page

  • On the pre-billed list, click on a pre-bill number to view a specific pre-bill

    • Alternatively, you can click the "..." under the Actions column and select "Edit Pre-Bill"

  • Viewing a specific pre-bill, under the matter header you will see "Use Unallocated Funds" dropdown.

  • When the "Use Unallocated Funds" dropdown has credit/funds available, the dropdown will be enabled. If there are no credit/funds available for the matter, then the dropdown will be disabled.

  • Select "Yes" from the "Use Unallocated Funds" dropdown

    • Note: When choosing "Yes", this setting will be saved for the matter and all future pre-bills for the matter will automatically apply unallocated funds to the pre-bill.

  • You will see "Credit Available" and "Credit Applied" amounts display underneath the dropdown.

  • Next to the "Credit Available" amount, when you hover over the amount with your mouse, you will see a pencil "Edit" icon.

  • If you click the "Edit" icon next to "Credit Available", then you can adjust the amount of payment credit to apply to the pre-bill.

You have now successfully applied credit/unallocated funds to a pre-bill. At the bottom of the pre-bill page, you will see a "Credit Available" and "Credit Applied" line items in the Matter Summary, Invoice Summary, and Client Summary.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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