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Generate Billing Statements

How To Generate Billing Statements In ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago


Billing Statements in ZenCase will create a list of all invoices and payments that were made to the client or matter with the current balance. You can choose to create a billing statement with all open invoices and payments applied to those open invoices or invoices and payments within a specified date range.

How To Generate Billing Statements

  • From the left navigation bar, select "Billing Statements" link.

  • Click on "Generate New Billing Statement".

  • Select your Statement Date which is defaulted to today.

  • Select your Client.

  • Select your Matter if desired.

  • Select Status: Preparing, Finalized, or Processed.

    • Preparing status will allow you to make any changes needed.

    • Finalized status will no longer allow you to make any more changes.

    • Processed status will finalize the billing statement and represents the billing statement has been emailed to the client.

  • Select Statement Type:

    • Open Invoices And Payments Applied to Them

    • Invoices and Payments In Date Range

  • When selecting "Invoices and Payments In Date Range", you will need to set a date range.

  • Enter a client note if desired.

  • Enter a private note if desired.

  • On the right side, you will see Additional Setting options.

  • Select "Split Charge/Credit Columns" to show debits and credits in separate columns.

  • Select "Show Credit Available" to show any available client or matter credit remaining.

  • Select Transaction Order: Ascending (Recent Last) or Descending (Recent First).

  • Click "Save"

Congratulations! You have just generated a new billing statement.

View Billing Statements

You can view all of your generated billing statements from the Billing Statements list page where you can search or apply filter options to narrow down your results.

  • From the left navigation bar, select "Billing Statements" link.

  • Enter search term to find a statement.

  • Click "All Filters" to apply filters to find a statement.

  • Click "Settings" in top right of table to show or hide columns in the table.

  • Under the Actions column, you can choose to:

    • View Billing Statement PDF (pdf icon)

    • Edit Billing Statement (only when Preparing status)

    • Delete Billing Statement

    • Email Statement (only when Finalized status)

    • View Email History (only when Finalized status)

You can also apply filters and save them as a custom filter using the "Save Filters" button in the right panel when clicking the "All Filters" button for quicker access to commonly used filters.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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