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Perform Billing Actions On A Matter Page In ZenCase
Perform Billing Actions On A Matter Page In ZenCase

How To Perform Billing Actions On A Matter Page In ZenCase

Written by Daryna Chorna
Updated over a week ago


You can use billing actions to quickly generate a pre-bill, create transactions, payments, refunds and more right from the matter page.

With matter billing actions, you can perform the following actions:

Generate Pre-Bill For Matter

  • In the left navigation, click "Matters".

  • On the Matters list page, click on the matter name in the "Matter Name" column to view the matter.

  • You will be redirected to the Matter details page for a specific matter.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • You will see a dropdown list of actions to choose.

  • Select the "Generate Pre-Bill" option.

  • Choose an invoice date.

  • Verify all billed charges display on Generate Pre-Bill pop up window.

  • Click on "Generate Pre-Bill" button.

You have successfully created a matter pre-bill and you can now review and approve your pre-bills from the Pre-Billed list page.

View Pre-Bills For Matter

After you generate pre-bills for your matter, you can view them on the pre-bills list.

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Select "View Pre-Bills" option.

You should be redirected to the Pre-billed list page filtered by your matter.

Receive Payment For Matter

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Select "Receive payment" option.

  • You will be redirected to the New Payment page.

  • Both the "Client" and "Matter" selection dropdowns will be auto populated by default.

  • Select Invoice to associate payment to invoice if available.

    • When no invoice is selected, then the payment balance will be applied as credit to the client balance.

  • Enter Date.

  • Select Payment Method.

  • Select Payer.

  • Enter Reference.

  • Enter Description.

  • Enter Note.

  • Enter Amount.

  • Click "Attach From Computer" to upload a backup file for your payment.

  • Check the "Auto-Allocate Payment?" option if you would like the payment to allocate to all open invoices.

  • Click "Save".

You have now successfully created a payment. You will be redirected back to the Payments list page and you can verify your payment was added to the payments table.

Add New Trust Transaction For Matter

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Select "Add New Trust Transaction" option.

  • You will be redirected to the Add New Trust Transaction page.

  • The "Client", "Matter", and "Payer" selection dropdowns will be auto populated by default.

  • Enter Description.

  • Enter Transacted At date.

  • Enter Amount.

  • Select Type.

  • Select Payment Method.

  • Enter Reference Number.

  • Add any tags if applicable.

  • Click "Attach From Computer" to upload files for your trust transaction.

  • Click "Save".

  • You will be prompted to confirm your trust transaction details.

    • Note: Trust transactions are immutable, once created, they cannot be deleted. Please confirm all details before creating trust transactions.

  • Click "Yes, Create Trust Transaction".

You have now successfully created a trust transaction. You should see the trust transaction added to the ledger and the balance summary on Matter => Trust Transactions page.

Add New Client Refund For Matter

You can issue a client refund for a matter for an existing payment with this action.

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Click "Add Client Refund" option.

  • You will be redirected to the Add New Client Refund page where you can select the payment to issue refund.

  • The "Payment Client" selection dropdown will be auto populated by default.

  • Select "Payment Payer" from dropdown to filter down the list of payments

  • Select "Payment" from dropdown.

  • Enter amount.

    • Note: The amount will be auto populated by default to be the full unallocated amount of the payment you selected. You can change the amount to a number between 0 and the full unallocated payment amount.

  • Select "Pay To / Vendor" from dropdown.

  • Enter description.

  • Enter note.

  • Add any attachments as needed.

  • Click "Save".

  • You will be prompted to confirm your action.

  • Click "Yes, Initiate Refund".

Congratulations! You have successfully issued a client refund payment and you should now see your refund in the Refunds list.

Add New Credit Transfer For Matter

You can transfer any matter available credit from one matter to another so you can apply credits to a pre-bill as needed.

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Click "Add New Credit Transfer" option.

  • You will be redirected to the Add New Credit Transfer page where you can select the payment to issue refund.

  • The "Client" and "From Matter" selection dropdowns will be auto populated by default.

  • Select "To Matter" from dropdown.

  • Select "Payment" from dropdown.

    • Note: The full payment credit amount will be transferred to another matter.

  • Enter credit transfer note.

  • Click "Save".

  • You will be prompted to confirm your action.

  • Click "Yes, Initiate Transfer".

You have now successfully transferred matter level credits from one matter to another matter. You will see all matter credit transfer transactions in the Matter => Credit Transfer list with who created the transfer, the payment amount, and credit transfer note.

Generate New Billing Statement For Matter

You can generate a new billing statement for any outstanding invoices for a matter with this action.

  • Continuing on the Matter page.

  • In the upper right corner, click on the "Billing Actions" button.

  • Click "Generate new Billing statement" option.

  • You will be redirected to the Generate New Billing Statement page.

  • The "Client" and "Matter" selection dropdowns will be auto populated by default.

  • Select Status: Preparing, Finalized, or Processed.

    • Preparing status will allow you to make any changes needed.

    • Finalized status will no longer allow you to make any more changes.

    • Processed denotes that the statement has been processed and sent to client.

  • Select Statement Type:

    • Open Invoices And Payments Applied to Them

    • Invoices and Payments In Date Range

  • When selecting "Invoices and Payments In Date Range", you will need to set a date range.

  • Enter a client note if desired.

  • Enter a private note if desired.

  • On the right side, you will see Additional Settings options.

  • Check the "Split Charge/Credit Columns" option to show debits and credits in separate columns.

  • Check the "Show Credit Available" option to show any available client or matter credit remaining.

  • If you have Law Pay enabled for your firm, you will see a checkbox option for "Show Lawpay Link". Check the "Show Lawpay Link" to print a lawpay link on the bottom of the statement page.

  • Select Transaction Order: Ascending (Recent Last) or Descending (Recent First).

  • Click "Save".

Congratulations! You have just generated a new billing statement and you should now see your statement in the Billing Statements list.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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