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Creating a New Show

How to create a new show on Zencastr. How to complete additional fields to prepare your show for distribution as a podcast.

Updated over 3 months ago

A show is the workspace for all your creative projects, under which sessions, clips, and recordings are organized. Creating or copying a show is the essential first step for all types of creators to start using Zencastr.

For creators looking to host a podcast on Zencastr, the show also functions as your podcast. By filling in additional details, you can prepare your show for publishing and distribution.

In this article:

Creating A New Show

To create a new show:

  1. On your Dashboard, click the Show Selector at the top of the left sidebar menu.

  2. Click the +Add New Show button.

  3. Select Create a new show.

  4. Click the Next button.

  5. Under Show Image, change your show’s cover art by hovering over the default image and clicking Change.

  6. Select a JPG, JPEG, or PNG image file from your computer and click Done.

  7. Enter your show’s title and language in their respective fields.

  8. Click the Next button.

  9. Select the primary topic for your show.

  10. Click the Next button.

  11. Select all the options that apply to you for how you will use this show

  12. Click the Next button.

Result: Your show is created and added to your show selector.

Completing Additional Show Fields For Podcasts

If you are creating a new podcast to host it on Zencastr, it's important to fill out the additional show fields to ensure your podcast is properly listed on distribution platforms. Completing fields like show type (episodic vs. serial), explicit content, keywords, author name, and copyright improves your show’s listing and discoverability on the podcast directory platforms.

To complete additional fields for your show:

  1. On your Dashboard, click the Episodes tab on the left sidebar menu.

  2. Click the Edit button to the right of the show title.

  3. Enter or change any details in the ‘Show Title,’ ‘Description,’ ‘Language,’ Categories,’ ‘Show Type,’ and ‘Explicit’ fields.

  4. Click Open Advanced Settings to display and complete additional fields.

  5. Click the Save button.

Result: Your changes are saved.

Show Fields For Podcasts

Cover image

An image that identifies your show. It will be displayed in Zencastr and the podcast directories (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc).

  • Must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file.

  • Resolution must be at least 1400 x 1400 pixels.

  • Recommended resolution is 3000 x 3000 pixels.

Show Title

The name of your podcast which will display as the podcast title in the directories.


A description of what the podcast is about.

  • Will display as the full description or “show notes” for the podcast in the podcast directories.

  • We also recommend adding links to your podcast’s social media channels here if you have them.

  • The available formatting – bold text, numbered lists, and bullet points – will display on your Zencastr episode page.

  • Each directory supports different formatting and consequently might display all of it, some of it, or none of it.


The primary language that your podcast is in.


The category and subcategory that your podcast falls under.

  • Must select at least one category.

  • These mirror Apple Podcasts’s categories and subcategories.

  • If you select multiple categories, the first category you select in this field will be your primary category in Apple Podcasts.

Show Type

How the episodes are related to one another.

  • Episodic: Episodes are displayed in reverse chronological order.

    • For podcasts where the individual episodes are stand-alone and do not need to be listened to in a specific order to be understood.

    • Episodes are ordered from newest to oldest with the most recently published episode displayed at the top of the show’s episode list in Apple Podcasts.

  • Serial: Episodes are displayed in sequential order.

    • For podcasts where the individual episodes are related to one another and should be listened to in order.

    • Episodes are ordered in the podcast directories from oldest to newest with the episode that was published first displayed at the top of the show’s episode list in Apple Podcasts.


Whether the podcast content contains explicit language or content not suitable for children.

  • If only certain episodes but not the entire show are explicit, you can mark the individual episodes as explicit.

  • If the entire show has explicit content, it is important to mark it at this level because this feeds into parental controls as well as different countries’ content permissions.

Keywords (Optional)

Search terms that help people find your podcast in the directories.

Link (Optional)

The link to your podcast’s website.

RSS Episode URL prefix (Optional)

An analytics prefix is a customized tag added to your podcast episode URLs within the RSS feed. It enhances podcast analytics by providing extra tracking parameters, enabling podcasters to gather detailed data on listener behavior, sources, and other key metrics.

Author (Optional)

The show’s author. This is a searchable field in Apple Podcasts.

Show email

Whether to make your email address visible in your RSS feed.

  • No: hides your email address in your RSS feed.

  • Yes: displays your email address in your RSS feed.

  • ❗️Several directories require that your email be displayed in the RSS feed in order to list your podcast on their apps.

Copyright (Optional)

Who the copyright for the podcast should be attributed to.

Show transcript

Whether to display transcripts on your Zencastr episode pages (for transcript-supported languages).

  • No: doesn’t show transcripts for any episode on the Zencastr episode pages.

  • Yes: shows transcripts for all episodes on the Zencastr episode pages.

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