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Merged Results

Merge results from more than one question in Zenlytic

Paul Blankley avatar
Written by Paul Blankley
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you have results from multiple explore questions that you want to merge together. This might be to connect separate sets of data or to connect data at different levels of aggregation.

To start navigate to a question in the UI or click New Question and select the fields you want to use (you can also find a video tutorial of this flow here).

That question will now show as the first tab in your workbook. You can click the + button on the tab to add a new tab.

Now we'll fill out that new tab with another query at a different level of aggregation.

Then to merge them, we will go back to the first tab and click Merge Questions in the tab options

This will pop up a modal that lets us select which slices join between the two results.

Once we have the slices connected as we want, we can click Validate, and then Submit to create the new merged question.

You can also find a video tutorial here!

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