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Updated over 6 months ago

A Flow is a kind of a template for a campaign (a set of paths, landing pages and offers). Using it you are able to create multiple campaigns, to run from multiple ad accounts or traffic sources.

Example: Let’s say you are running a number of campaigns for a particular country; promoting a weight loss offer. If your affiliate network shuts this offer down, you will need to edit every campaign that uses this offer and change it. However, when you are using a flow, the only thing you need to do is to edit the flow.

The other argument for using flows is that you can set the Rules for traffic distribution between landers and offers, depending on characteristics like sent from mobile or non-unique traffic, to special landing pages.

New Flow (1)

This button creates a new flow and opens the Flow editor.

Flow view customization, Flow filter, traffic, and date range selector (2)

This section contains a set of controls that can help you find the desired flow or customize the appearance of the Flow tab.

Overall report (3)

This section shows the metrics and the numbers of the flows. Here you can see the avatars of the users that have access to the flow. You can also mark a flow as a favorite by clicking on the Star button.

Defining a Flow

In Zeustrack go to the Flows tab in the main left menu and click the New Flow button:

  1. Define the Name of your Flow.

  2. Select Countries
    To indicate where this flow will be applied or leave it blank to include all countries.

  3. Tags
    Use this for categorization. Tags are predefined and can be found under Settings > Tags.

  4. Use the Note field to store any useful information about the flow.

  5. Manage users access
    Here there are two sets of permissions; Can view and Can edit.

  6. Specify the Account manager for the flow. You can check this team’s performance in this Reports view of the flow.

Now that we’re done with general settings of the flow, let's switch to the Default paths tab.

Setting the Default Paths

In this section, you define what landers your visitors see and to what offers they move from your landers by default without applying any specific rules. You can add multiple default paths to your flow. Traffic will be separated between all of them according to their Weight value (the more weight - the more traffic).

  1. Add default path.

  2. Define a name. Or leave it as it is automatically generated in the interface.

  3. Set the weight of the path. When you have two or more paths, you can spread the amount of traffic between them.

  4. Set status. Simply turns the path on/off.

  5. Set a redirect method. This only applies to the redirect from the lander to the offer. Use 302 for the fastest redirects and Double meta-refresh when you don’t want to pass your referrer to the affiliate network.

  6. Direct link checkbox. Tick the Direct link checkbox, when you want to send traffic directly to the offer and not use a lander.

  7. Select the path of the landers if you didn't check the direct link checkbox.
    You can only choose from landers for countries selected on the Settings tab or Global (without a specific country setting). You can add an unlimited amount of landers to one path. Traffic is distributed among them according to each landers weight value.

  8. Use the Path offers selection to add landers
    Traffic is distributed among them according to each offers weight. The offer count number must match the actual number offers. A number will be displayed, showing what number you should use for this offer in your tracking URL.​

Setting the Rules

You may use the Rules section to add more Paths that will receive traffic only when their conditions are true.

  1. Press the Add rule button to add a rule.

  2. Name your rule.

  3. Set Status.

  4. Select destination.To determine where you want to send visitors that fit under this rule condition.

  5. Add Condition. You can add any number of conditions to a rule. A Rule is triggered when all conditions are true. There are several types of conditions available.

Condition Types

Boolean condition

Has only two options available; 'IS' or 'IS NOT', for example, if mobile traffic is allowed you will choose 'IS' and if it is not allowed you must select 'IS NOT'.

Predefined value condition

You may select a value or multiple from a predefined list. For example, you might want to trigger a rule when a visitor visits your campaign from one of the listed devices.

Custom value condition

You can define any trigger values yourself. You may also define a list of available options, separated by a comma. The rule will be triggered when the variable is equal to one of the values. For example, you can create an ISP condition and type a list of IPSs, separated by a comma.

Available conditions are:


Choose browsers from a predefined list.

Browser language

Choose browser languages from a predefined list.


Type one or multiple city names.

Connection type

Choose connection type from a list.


Choose countries from a list.


Choose devices from a list.


Type one or multiple hours in a 24h format, i.e., 0,1,2,3,23.


Type one or multiple IPs.


Type one or multiple ISP names.

Mobile traffic

Boolean value: if it is set to 'IS', the rule will be applied only for mobile traffic. If 'IS NOT' is selected, the rule will only be applied for the desktop traffic.


Choose OS from a list.

Preview traffic

Boolean value: if it is set to 'IS', the rule will be applied for only the Preview traffic. If 'IS NOT' is selected, the rule will be applied for all traffic except the Preview traffic.

Repeat visit

Boolean value: if 'IS' has been selected, the rule will be applied for the non-unique visits. If 'IS NOT' has been selected, the rule will be applied for only unique visits.​

URL Variable

Use this condition to check for any URL variable value. For example, you can add a creative ID to your campaign link and with a rule, send some traffic to a special destination. Your campaign link may look like, so you must add a URL Variable condition in a rule and set the Variable to "creative" and the Value to "cash01".

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