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AWS API Integration
Updated over 6 months ago

Step #1: Log In to Your AWS Account or Create a New One

  1. Go to the web-page.

  2. In the top right corner press the My Account drop-down menu and choose the AWS Management Console option.

  3. If you already have an existing AWS account, just log in and proceed to Step 2. If you don't have one, press the Create a new AWS account button.

  4. After that, you'll be redirected to a webpage with the registration form. Please fill in all mandatory fields and press the Continue button.

  5. Next, you will be redirected to the Contact Information page. Fill in the form, tick the box to agree to the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement and press the Create Account and Continue button.

  6. After that, you will be redirected to the Payment Information page. Just as you did in step 5, fill in your payment information and press the Secure Submit button.

  7. On the next page you will be redirected to Phone Verification. Check your Country/Region code and phone number. Type the security check code and press the Call Me Now button. AWS will call you using an automated system. When prompted, enter the 4‑digit number from the AWS website into your phone keypad.

  8. If the phone verification was successful, you’ll be prompted to choose a plan. If you are unsure of what plan to choose, just try the Free one.​

Step #2: Generate Your Access Keys

  1. Now you are able to sign in to your AWS Console. Do this and proceed to the next step.

  2. In the top right corner click on your account name and open the drop-down menu. Choose the My Security Credentials option.

  3. In this pop-up window tick Don't show me this message again in the checkbox (optional) and press the Continue to Security Credentials button.

  4. Open the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section and press the Create New Access Key button.

  5. A new pop-up window will appear notifying you that your access key ID and secret access key has been successfully created. These keys are needed to integrate with Zeustrack. Press the Download Key File button. Save it somewhere safe on your computer. If you lose them, you will need to create your keys again.

  6. The .csv file will be downloaded. Open it and find the keys values.

  7. Copy and paste AWSAccessKeyId into the Key ID field and AWSSecretKey into the API Key field. Press the Create & Close button.

Zeustrack alert:

You have to wait up to 24 hours for AWS to activate your account. If you are experiencing the Account forbidden error in Zeustrack, please refer to this article for troubleshooting.

How to integrate the Digital Ocean API - learn in this article.

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