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How to Integrate AutoDS with ZIK Analytics?
How to Integrate AutoDS with ZIK Analytics?

Want to know how to integrate ZIK and AutoDS?

Aida Mlinarevic avatar
Written by Aida Mlinarevic
Updated over 7 months ago

Integrating your AutoDS monitoring tool with your ZIK analytics account will effectively allow you to leverage the combined benefits of both platforms. This guide explores how you can seamlessly integrate your AutoDS with ZIK account. Check out this video or read the article below to get a clear picture of how to do it.

Step 1: Log in to your ZIK Analytics Account

To get started with integration, log in to your ZIK Analytics account and have your AutoDS credentials ready.

Step 2: Navigate to Management Panel

On the left sidebar menu, click the Management Panel icon, then click on Advanced Settings

Step 3: Configure your Integrations

Once inside Advanced Settings panel, navigate to the top right and click the Integrations tab

Step 4: Connect your AutoDS Store

Inside the Integration page, you will see your tokens and monitor lister tools that are connected to your account.

Now let's add your AutoDS store to your ZIK account:

  • Navigate to Choose your preferred integration section

  • Click on the Choose type drop-down menu and select AutoDS.

  • Click the Connect AutoDS Store button and you will be redirected to AutoDS log-in page.

  • Once directed to the login page of AutoDS, enter your email and password and click sign in. Once successfully signed in, your AutoDS is now connected to your ZIK account, and will automatically be redirected back to ZIK

Step 5: Verify Integration

To confirm that your AutoDS store integration was successful;

  • Under the Active Integrations section, you will see your list of successful store integrations including AutoDS.

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