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My Staff

This video will give you an overview of the My Staff area within Settings.

Written by Daina
Updated over a week ago

This article will go over the ‘My Staff’ section within your settings. Here is where you can see all team members listed who have access to your platform as well as add any new users.

Editing an existing team members details

You can do this by clicking on the green ‘Edit’ box to the right of their name. You can then add in their user information, create a password for them and set their availability if you wish. This is all information that they can update in their account once it is created here.

Removing an existing team member from your location

This will remove them from your location however their logs are still available to the support team. The support team is also able to re-add them to your location at any time if you wish.

You can do this by clicking the arrow to the right of the ‘edit’ box and selecting ‘Remove from Location’.

Deleting an existing team member

This will permanently remove this user from your platform. If you select this option, if you need to re-add them at any time, they will need to be added as a new user.

You can do this by clicking the arrow to the right of the ‘edit’ box and selecting ‘Delete’.

Adding a new team member

You can do this by clicking on the green ‘+ Add Employee’ box at the top right of the page.

You can then add in all of their information:

User Info - you can add in their name, email, phone number and create a password for them (note: when you do create a password, you simply need to just type it in the password field. Do not click on the ‘Reset Password’ button). You can also add in a personal logo by clicking on the green ‘Change’ button as well as an email signature.

User Permissions - here you have the option to switch off certain sections of the account if you don’t wish for this user to have access to certain sections.

User Roles - here you can select for this team member to have user or admin access. Admins have more access and they can manage other Users, they can import and export contacts and they can view everyone else's tasks, while Users can only view their own.

Call & Voicemail Settings - this section is only required if the user has their own dedicated phone number. Here you can upload a personal voicemail for each team member if you wish. You can also change the call timeout time here.

User Availability - here is where you can set up the user’s calendar availability and time zone as well as setting up their meeting location if required.

User Calendar Configuration - if you have integrated a Google or Outlook calendar within your integrations tab within settings, here is where you can configure that user’s external calendar here which will sync with their account calendar. You can select their external calendar as their primary calendar and also check for conflicts with any other calendars if needed.

Once you have added in all required details, click save. This will then send this new user an email with their login link for them to access their account. You will then see the new team member listed here.

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