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AI Booking Bot

This video shows how to use the AI Booking Bot to communicate with leads and secure bookings.

Written by Daina
Updated over a week ago

The below article will show you how our booking bot works. The booking bot is used within a workflow to automatically book an appointment with a contact so that yourself or your staff don’t have to manually converse with the lead to book that appointment in.

Below is an example of a phone booking nurture sequence set up with the booking bot set to book these appointments.

If we click on the Booking Bot action, here you can see we can set our calendar, this is the calendar you are wanting the bot to book the appointment on.

Next, you can see the bot processing duration. It is set to time out after 12 hours meaning if the lead responds after this time period, the bot is no longer active and will not book the appointment. You can also see ‘Send First Message?’ is selected as we want the bot to initiate the conversation.

Below this, you have the option to customise the message you would like the bot to say on this introductory message.

After the Booking Bot step, we then have an if/else condition that determines whether the bot timed out or not. If the bot did time out, meaning the lead never responded, they would then get a follow up message the next day and continue on with the nurture sequence. If the bot didn’t time out and they are still in this nurture workflow, this means the lead either responded negatively or the bot could not interpret the message.

In this case, we have a different message that is sent that contains the booking link for the lead to book themselves in.

The conversation is then marked as unread, so you can see it in conversations and you can action it if needed.

From there, they will then join the rest of the nurture sequence as normal.

Below is a demonstration of how the booking bot works when a lead responds and books a call:

First, they receive the initial message from the booking bot, prompting the lead to book a call.

If the lead replies positively, the booking bot will then send through the available days.

The lead can then decide which day, they can even say ‘tomorrow’ or even if they prefer mornings or afternoons. The bot will then provide available times for the day chosen.

Once the lead selects a time, the bot will ask to confirm the appointment.

The lead will then receive a confirmation message which comes from your phone call appointment booked workflow.

Below is a demonstration of how the booking bot works when the bot can’t interpret the lead’s response:

After the initial message from the bot, here you can see the lead has responded asking to see the class schedule first.

Our bot has then sent the backup message, where if the lead needs to, they can book themselves in via the booking link.

The bot has also then marked the conversation as unread, so you can see it in your conversations area and action manually.

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