If you don't want your website or funnel, or a specific webpage within either, to be shown within a Google Search - follow these simple steps:
Note: this typically takes a week or two to take effect
Hiding Entire Website or Funnel
1. Within 'Sites', navigate to your 'Websites' or 'Funnels' tab
2. Click to go into the Website or Funnel that you wish you hide
3. In the top options, click on 'Settings'
4. In the 'Head tracking code' section, add the follow:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
5. Click 'Save'.
Hiding Individual Website or Funnel Page
1. Within 'Sites', navigate to your 'Websites' or 'Funnels' tab
2. Click to go into the Website or Funnel that you wish you hide
3. Click on the specific page that you want to hide, then Click to 'Edit' > 'Edit Page':
4. Once you're in the page editor, click 'Settings' > 'SEO Meta Data'
5. Under 'Custom Meta Tag', click '+ Add', add in the following & hit save:
Name: robots
Content: noindex