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How to Set Up Workflows for Payment Funnels
How to Set Up Workflows for Payment Funnels

This video demonstrates how to set up automations for payment funnels, including opt-in, abandon cart and purchase completed workflows.

Written by Daina
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how you can set up automations for your payment funnels. If you haven’t yet set up a payment funnel and you need to, first watch our Building Payment Funnels video.

Once you have created your payment funnel, the next step is to create a new pipeline. Navigate to Settings > Pipelines. From here you can select ‘+ Create new pipeline’.

You can then name your pipeline and add in the different stages you like. We recommend including the stages outlined in the below image:

Once this is created, navigate to Automation and create a new folder titled ‘Payment Funnel Workflows’. This will allow you to keep track of these workflows for your payment funnel as they will all be in this folder.

Once this folder is created, click into the folder and select ‘+ Create Workflow’ > ‘Start From Scratch’ to create your first workflow.

Workflow 1: Payment Funnel Opt-In Form Completed

The purpose of this workflow is when someone opts in to your payment funnel, they will be added to your pipeline and you will receive a notification that you received a new opt-in. To customise this workflow, follow the below steps:

  1. Name your workflow ‘Payment Funnel Opt-In Form Completed’. This is an important step to ensure you know what this workflow is for

  2. Click ‘Add New Trigger’

  3. Search for the trigger ‘Form Submitted’ and select

  4. Name your trigger. E.g. ‘Payment Form Opt-In Submitted’

  5. Add a filter ‘Form is’ and select the opt-in form you added to your payment funnel landing page. Once you have selected the form, save this trigger

  6. Click the ‘+’ button under the trigger to add an action

  7. Search for the ‘Create/Update Opportunity’ action and select

  8. Name your action. E.g. ‘Add to Payment Funnel Opt-In Pipeline’

  9. Select the payment funnel pipeline you just created under ‘In Pipeline’

  10. Select the ‘In Pipeline Stage’, as ‘Payment Funnel Opt-In’ and save your action

  11. Add in another action underneath this one. This action will be a ‘Wait’ action where we will wait 5 minutes before the next step is actioned

  12. Once selected, name your action. E.g. ‘Wait 5 Minutes’

  13. Select your wait time to be 5 minutes and save the action

  14. Add in your final action which will be a ‘Send Internal Notification’ action

  15. Select your notification type, here we will select ‘Email’

  16. Customise your email settings including the from name, from email, to user type, to custom email and subject. You can even use custom values here

  17. Type in the message you would like in this email. This should be something like ‘You have a new opt-in from our payment funnel’ however you can customise this as you wish. Once this is customised to your liking, click save

  18. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab and toggle on ‘Allow re-entry’. This will allow contacts to re-enter this workflow at any point if they opted in again in the future

  19. Publish your workflow and click save.

Workflow 2: Abandoned Cart

The purpose of this workflow is when someone begins the process of placing an order on your payment funnel, however doesn’t complete the payment process, we can then nurture them with reminder messages to complete their purchase. This is only possible when a 2 step order form is selected in your payment funnel. To customise this workflow, follow the below steps:

  1. Name your workflow ‘Abandoned Cart’. This is an important step to ensure you know what this workflow is for

  2. Click ‘Add New Trigger’ and search for the trigger ‘Order Form Submission’ and select

  3. Name your trigger. E.g. ‘Abandoned Cart’

  4. Add a filter ‘In funnel/website’ and select the payment funnel you created. Add a second filter ‘Page is’ and select the ‘Order Page’. Finally, add a third filter ‘Submission type’ and select ‘OptIn’ Once you have selected these, save this trigger

  5. Click the ‘+’ button under the trigger to add an action and search for the ‘Create/Update Opportunity’ action and select

  6. Name your action. E.g. ‘Add to Abandoned Cart Stage’

  7. Select the payment funnel pipeline you just created under ‘In Pipeline’

  8. Select the ‘In Pipeline Stage’, as ‘Abandoned Cart’ and save your action

  9. Add in another action underneath this one. This action will be a ‘Remove From Workflow’ action. This will ensure they are removed from the opt in workflow you just created as if they do start the check out process, they won’t need to continue through the opt in workflow

  10. Once selected, name your action. E.g. ‘Remove from payment opt-in Workflow’

  11. Select to remove from another workflow and select the ‘Payment Funnel Opt-In Form Completed’ workflow you just created. Save the action

  12. Add in another action underneath this one. This action will be a ‘Wait’ action where we will wait 1 hour before the next step is actioned as this gives them the opportunity to complete their purchase before they receive any reminders

  13. Once selected, name your action. E.g. ‘Wait 1 hour’

  14. Select your wait time to be 1 hour and toggle on the advanced window, here is where you can select to resume the rest of the workflow only within specific times. As this workflow will have messages sent to the contact to remind them to complete their purchase, we only want them sent during reasonable hours. Select your date range for all days and select your time window. E.g. 7am - 9pm and save the action

  15. Add in another action which will be a ‘Send SMS’ action

  16. Name your action. E.g. ‘SMS 1st Reminder’ and enter in what you would like to message to say. This should remind them they left something in their cart and to not forget to go back to complete their purchase. You can even include the link for them to easily get back to the order page to complete their payment. Once this is customised to your liking, click save

  17. You can then add another wait step action after this of one minute and following this wait step, setting a ‘Send Email’ action to also send a reminder email

  18. You can then set your action name, from name, from email and subject as well as customising the text you would like in the email. You could also alternatively create an email template with our Email Builder and select this template here. Once this is customised to your liking, click save

  19. Now, repeat the process with a series of wait steps and email/SMS reminders as outlined in the below image so they are receiving at least 3 reminders over the next few days to encourage them to complete their purchase

  20. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab and toggle on ‘Allow re-entry’ as well as ‘Stop on response’. This will allow contacts to re-enter this workflow at any point if they opted in again in the future and will also remove them from the workflow if they reply to a message

  21. Publish your workflow and click save.

Workflow 3: Product Purchased

The purpose of this workflow is when someone completes the process of placing an order on your payment funnel, we can then update their opportunity status and ensure they are removed from the other two workflows we just created. To customise this workflow, follow the below steps:

  1. Name your workflow ‘Product Purchased’. This is an important step to ensure you know what this workflow is for

  2. Click ‘Add New Trigger’ and search for the trigger ‘Order Form Submission’ and select

  3. Name your trigger. E.g. ‘Sale Complete’

  4. Add a filter ‘In funnel/website’ and select the payment funnel you created. Add a second filter ‘Page is’ and select the ‘Order Page’. Finally, add a third filter ‘Submission type’ and select ‘Sale’ Once you have selected these, save this trigger

  5. Click the ‘+’ button under the trigger to add an action and search for the ‘Create/Update Opportunity’ action and select

  6. Name your action. E.g. ‘Add to Purchased Stage’

  7. Select the payment funnel pipeline you just created under ‘In Pipeline’

  8. Select the ‘In Pipeline Stage’, as ‘Purchased’ and save your action

  9. Add in another action underneath this one. This action will be a ‘Send Internal Notification’ action

  10. Select your notification type, here we will select ‘Email’

  11. Customise your email settings including the from name, from email, to user type, to custom email and subject. You can even use custom values here

  12. Type in the message you would like in this email. This should be something like ‘You have just received a new order for x’ however you can customise this as you wish. Once this is customised to your liking, click save

  13. Add in another action. This action will be a ‘Remove From Workflow’ action. This will ensure they are removed from the opt in workflow you just created as if they do start the check out process, they won’t need to continue through the opt in workflow

  14. Once selected, name your action. E.g. ‘Remove from payment opt-in Workflow’

  15. Select to remove from another workflow and select the ‘Payment Funnel Opt-In Form Completed’ workflow you just created. Save the action

  16. Now you will need to add a second ‘Remove From Workflow’ action to remove from the ‘Abandoned Cart’ workflow as per the above three steps

  17. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab and toggle on ‘Allow re-entry’. This will allow contacts to re-enter this workflow at any point if they opted in again in the future

  18. Publish your workflow and click save.

Testing your automations

Now the automations have been created, it is important to test your funnel to ensure they are all working correctly. Navigate to Sites and click into your payment funnel. Firstly, you want to ensure you have your payment mode set to testing in the funnel settings. This will ensure you see the transaction on your stripe account as a test. Ensure to turn this back to live once the test is complete.

To test your funnel, follow the below steps:

  1. Open up your landing page and click the ‘Get Started’ button to opt in

  2. Fill out your details and select ‘Claim Offer’.

    You will then be directed to the order page however before you proceed, head back into your account and click through to the ‘Opportunities’ tab

  3. Select your Payment Funnel pipeline and ensure your test contact has come through under the ‘Payment Funnel Opt-In’ stage of the pipeline

  4. Go back to your funnel test page. Your information will be pre filled out due to the sticky contact form. Select ‘Go To Step #2’

  5. Before you proceed, head back into your account to the ‘Opportunities’ tab and ensure your contact has moved to the ‘Abandoned Cart’ stage of the pipeline

  6. Go back to your funnel test page. This is where the credit card information is to be filled out. As you are testing the account, you can use the Stripe testing details which will create a successful transaction. The details for this test card are 4242 4242 4242 4242, the expiry date can be any month/year in the future and the CVC can be any three digits. Once this is done, click ‘Complete Order’

  7. This will then take you to your confirmation page.

    Head back into your account to the ‘Opportunities’ tab and ensure your contact has moved to the ‘Purchased’ stage of the pipeline.

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