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Lead Scoring

This article will explain how to set up and manage lead scoring in your account.

Written by Bree Hoyes
Updated over a week ago

A lead score is a metric used to measure how actively and effectively a contact or lead interacts with your business. It's commonly used to assess the level of interest, involvement, or responsiveness of a contact or lead. The score helps businesses prioritise their efforts in communicating with a lead, lead nurturing and sales prospecting. Here's a breakdown of the components and purpose of a lead score

To calculate the score, you can typically track various interactions between the lead and your business. These interactions can include email opens, calendar appointments, form submissions, and more. Each interaction type can be weighted differently based on its significance.

Navigate to Settings > Manage Scoring in your account.

Rules and score builder

Draft/Publish: By default the score profile stays in draft state. Once the profile is published, the score will be reflected to all of your contacts.

Rule Customisation: The system allows you to add and edit your scoring rules as needed.

Add or Subtract Points: You have full control over the scoring rules. Using the score builder, you can create rules to add or subtract points based on specific criteria, such as engagement, behaviour, or any other relevant factors.

Saving Changes: Once any new rule is added or an old rule is edited, the changes need to be saved to the score profile.

Feature 3: Sorting and filtering in Conversations

Score Display: In the conversations area, you can find scores visibly associated with each contact. This at-a-glance view helps you quickly identify and focus on contacts with the highest scores.

Sort Contacts: You can sort contacts based on their scores, helping you quickly identify high-priority contacts and those who require more nurturing.

Filtering Options: You can filter contacts based on score ranges, allowing users to segment and target contacts with similar engagement levels.

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