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Transaction Timelines & Service Fees

Timelines and Fees associated with sending and receiving payments

Airion avatar
Written by Airion
Updated over a year ago

Settlement Timeline

Transfer Type

Settlement timeline

Debit Card → Debit Card


ACH → Debit Card

1-3 business days


3-5 business days

We move funds from end-to-end. This means the funds go directly from the sender's bank account to the receiver's.

Information about the payment methods linked by either party will not be provided to you. For example, if you've linked a Debit Card and the receiver has an ACH account, the funds may take 1-3 business days to settle.

Service Fees

Fees are charged once the receiver has accepted the loan offer or request. Service fees are charged to the Lender and then repaid to the Lender by the Borrower.

The service fee varies based on the type of loan you require Zirtue to oversee, be it a New Loan or a Pre-existing Loan.

Loan Type

Loan Type Description

Service Fee

New Loan

Zirtue manages two phases of the loan: 1) the transfer of funds from the Lender to the Borrower and 2) the automated repayment process.


Pre-existing loan (Repayment Requests)

The borrower has already received the funds, (separate from Zirtue). Zirtue is solely being utilized to manage the automated repayment phase of the loan.


Other Fees

Customer service (automated)


No fee to call our automated Customer Service line.

Customer service (live agent)


No fee to call a Customer Service agent.

Real-time alerts


No fee to receive real-time alerts on your phone. Standard text messages & data rates may apply.

Account statements


No fees for CSV copies of your account statements.

Transaction declined due to insufficient funds


No fees for declines due to insufficient funds.



A bank account added via Plaid or Microdeposits.

Debit Card

Visa or Mastercard Debit Cards

Service Fee

This one-time fee is paid to Zirtue by the Lender and repaid to the Lender by the Borrower over time.

This fee is not charged on repayments.

If the loan is Pre-existing, the fee is charged to initiate and manage the repayment process.

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