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Creating Digital Waivers
Creating Digital Waivers

This article will show you how to make a Digital Waiver or intake form for your clients to sign.

Maddison Black avatar
Written by Maddison Black
Updated over a week ago

Making a Digital Waiver is a great way for your studio to go paperless while ensuring you have instant access to each Waiver created. Using Digital Waivers not only saves paper, it will also save you time in filing and printing. The Digital Waivers can be used for existing members and can also be used as an intake form for new leads. This article will give you step-by-step instructions on how to create a Digital Waiver for your school. 

If you would prefer to watch a video, skip ahead to the bottom of this page.

  1. Go to Forms >  Waivers > List Waivers.

2. Click "Add New Waiver"

3. Give the Waiver a Title.

4. Give the Waiver a Subtitle (optional)
The Subtitle will show underneath the title and can be used as a description or for instructions/clarification.

5. Give the Waiver a Redirect URL (optional)
If you would like the student to be redirected to a certain website after they complete the Waiver, you may enter that URL here. (this will need the full url, like "") 

6. Select Tags (optional)

If you would like to Tag your contacts when they sign a Waiver,  you may check the Tag here.
Tags are useful for grouping and organizing your contacts.

7. Choose Fields

On the left side, choose the fields that you would like them to fill out by simple clicking the button for each field. Once Clicked, those fields will show to the right, and allow you customize your Waiver.

8. Reordering

You may click and drag each field if you would like them to show in a different order. 

9. Unmapped Fields

Unmapped Fields allow you to ask custom questions, if the field you are wanting is not offered.
-You may choose to use a Text Field if you would like the student to type in the answer to a question.
-You may choose check boxes if you would like the students to choose from a list of options. 

You can even map these answers to a specific field on their Profile, by choosing the field here: 

If you would like to have Custom Fields available to map your custom questions to, here is how to add in custom fields: 

10. Waiver

Click on "Waiver" on the left to add in the actual Waiver that you would like the student or parent to sign.
You may copy/paste the text from your existing waiver, or type in new Waiver Terms and click SAVE.

Once you click save, you will be able to view your Digital Waiver and have a student sign it. After a Digital Waiver is signed, it will be saved in the student's profile and you may print it if you would like.

Here is a video on creating waivers:

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