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How to do Rank Promotions (Mass Promotions)
How to do Rank Promotions (Mass Promotions)

Mass Promote your students after they have passed their belt test.

Maddison Black avatar
Written by Maddison Black
Updated over a week ago

If you are keeping track of Rank Promotions through RainMaker, you can use the Add/Edit Promotion screen, It is a way to promote large groups of students all at once so that you do not have to promote them individually from their profiles. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to promote your students! If you learn best by video, there is also one at the bottom of the page! 

Before the Test:

Before the test, you'll want to get organized by setting up the test date and marking a list of who you think should be testing! This will be helpful in your preparations and in making sure you have the right belts in the right sizes for the graduation!

  1. Skills & Progress > Promotions > Add New.

2. Select a Rank System and click "Continue."

3. Create a New Promotion Date or select a Previous Test Date to edit or finalize a promotion.

4. From this screen, you will confirm which rank they will be promoting into:

5. Confirm their belt size: 

6. Select  which students will be testing by marking them as "Selected to Test." 

At the bottom under the Select to Test Column, you will see bulk actions labeled "Select All," "Unselect All," and "Promote Selected."

  • Select All, will simply mark everyone on this promotion list as "Selected to Test."

  • Unselect All, will ensure that no one shows as "Selected to Test."

  • Promote Selected, will mark each person that was selected to test as "Passed Test." This will not finalize their promotion. 

If you would like to see what belts or certificates are needed for your test, simply click "Order Ranks From Selected." This will total up how many of each belt you need and also allow you to see a list of certificates needed, if you use an outside source for Certificates! 

You can do this by clicking "Order Ranks From Selected" and then on the next page, you will see the belt order list and certificate order list: 

After or During the Test:

  1. After they test, you will come back to the Add/Edit Promotion screen and mark which students passed the test by moving the switching on the toggle in the "Passed Test" column. 

**This will not actually promote your members. There is one more step needed to promote them!

At the bottom under the Passed Test Column, you will see bulk actions:  

  • Promote Selected: This will mark each person that was selected to test as "Passed Test." This will not finalize their promotion.

  • Promote All: This will mark Everyone on this list as "Passed Test." This will not finalize their promotion.

  • Demote All: This will ensure that everyone on this list showing that they have not passed the test.

2. To actually promote these members, you will click the Number 3 on the top right, or "Order Ranks from Passed." Doing this will take you to the next page to finalize the promotion.

On the Rank order page, click "Go." This will both promote the students and create a belt order list and certificate order list for your convenience. It will also allow you to download this data as a CSV file.  

This is the Rank Order and Certificate Order that you may copy and paste into an email or document, depending on how you order your supplies.

Here is a video on how to promote your members using this feature. 😃


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