After you have received your email from RainMaker stating that your Data Import is complete, you may wonder what to do next. Here are some steps to review your data and approve any financials that were imported for your contacts! ๐
We are going to start in Settings > Tools > View Imported Contacts. This is everyone that has been imported into your system including, Prospects, Active Members, and Former members.ย
This is one of many ways to view your imported students.ย
The other ways are by going to Reports > Listing of All Members/Prospects/Trials/Inactive/Former Members. These lists will show you the students that were imported by their contact type.ย
The last way to view the list is by going to the List of Contacts by Tag. All imported students are automatically tagged based on their contact type when they are imported into the system. You will be able to see a list of those students when you click on the tag.ย
Click the Tag Name for the list you would like to see:
Then you will be able to see a full list of those contacts.
After you have viewed your import, if you had any financials imported into the system, you will want to go in and approve your financial information on your students. They will be on hold and not live for payments until you approve them.
To do this, go to Settings > Tools > View Imported Financials -ย
You will see your Member's Name, the Membership Name, Number of Payments Remaining, the Next Payment Due Date, and the last 4 digits of the card or bank account they will be paying with/
You'll simply make sure all this information is correct and update any information as needed, then approve!ย
Here is a video with more details on how to complete this process!