Financial Forecast Report
RainMaker’s Financial Forecast report will help you get a good idea of your incoming tuition payments for future months.
This report pulls expected payments from all primary programs, secondary programs, and future programs. You also will have the option to disregard expected tuition from members who are past due.
Follow the simple steps below to learn how to access an use this report.
To access this report, go to Reports on your top toolbar. On the right hand side go to the financial report section and click on the financial forecast report.
From here choose a future month and year to run the report on. Choose if you want to exclude past due members and select how many months they should be past due to exclude them.
Check on show details if you want a list to pull up with every name to show you how it got your total displayed and click go.
Below is a file that will show you how to access and use this report.