How do I match my deposits to RainMaker
You may notice that the transaction dates and dates the transaction deposited into your account are different. You may also notice that the totals from your transactions report in RainMaker are different from the totals in your deposit report from your merchant. The difference in totals on the reports are due to the path the payments take.
Transactions are first made in RainMaker and are then sent to your gateway. Your gateway will then queue your transactions and send them in one lump sum to your processor to be settled. If a payment is sent to your gateway after the queue was sent to your processor then it will sit in a queue to be sent the next day. Once your processor receives the payments they begin to process them. Different payment types will then take different amounts of time to fully settle and then deposit into your checking account. For example Visa may take 2 days, while MasterCard takes 3 days. Amex may take 4 days, while an Echeck takes 5 days.
Transaction times, batch times, and processing times are the reasons why a transaction report from your software on a particular date will not match a deposit report from your processor on a given date.