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Viewing Active Members
Laura Hines avatar
Written by Laura Hines
Updated over a week ago

Viewing Active Members

RainMaker has many reporting options. This article will guide you on how to view a report of your active members. There are 2 ways to do this. Read the options below and check out the slideshow on how to view these articles.

1. Listing of All Members Report- This report can be located by clicking reports on the top right of your toolbar. Under Member reports to the left click on the first report titled listing of all members.

This report will show you everyone who you have listed as a member under their contact type. This report will only be accurate if you are actively updating your students contact types. For example, if you have a member and their program came to end with out them wanting to renew then you would need to change them to a former member. If you do not do this then the listing of all members report will be inaccurate for you.

2. Next Payment Due by Date Report- This report can be located by clicking reports on the top right of your toolbar. Under Financial reports to the right, located about half way down, click on next payment due by date.

This report will allow you to search a date range and members will display if their next payment due to you falls within this range.

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