RainMaker has several ways to integrate your website lead forms into RainMaker. A web form typically collects Names, Email, Addresses (and more) of interested prospects and automatically enters them into RainMaker for you, so you can contact them to get them started.
There are easier ways. RainMaker has already created full graphical web forms, that you can paste one line of html code into your website and RainMaker will take care of validation, email the lead to the school owner, send a text message with the lead's info to the owner, enter it into RainMaker automatically, send an auto responder, start a RainMaker FLOW and redirect them to a "thank you" page. If you would prefer that we handle all of it, then go to: Web Forms Help
If you are a programmer wanting to integrate with RainMaker and you already process the web form (send the info to the owner, start auto-repsonders, etc.), this page is designed to help you.
RainMaker Webform API Instructions
You will need a Web API Key. Every RainMaker school has a unique key. This key is secret, it should only be shared with your web developer.
To find your API Key, log into RainMaker and go to:
Settings > Integration Β > API
It will look similar to this...
The key in this article is not your key! That is just a sample. π
The URL that you will use is:
Please notice this is a secure connection. You must use: https:
You can either POST or GET to this URL.
The following are the expected Fields to pass:
Please note: field names were displayed in all caps for clarity. Field names are NOT case sensitive.
Here is an example way to add a web lead using GET (URL query string parameters):https://addmembers.com/RainMaker/api/?SID=1457&apikey=pr-46e149eef5024d1a9e6db8e59a27d78a&action=addWebLead&FName=Maddox&LName=Smith&email=msmith@mailservice.com&agegroup=Teens&mobile=8885551212
You can choose to POST the values, or you can add the values as a GET in the query string.
Using PHP to Process?
PHP Example for you:
Β $val) {
$error = "none";
$contactId = "not found";
if($key=="result") {
$result = $val;
if($key=="error") {
$error = $val;
if($key=="contactId") {
$contactId = $val;
The three variables contain the JSON response.
You can comment out the echo statements below, or you can use the variables
to determine what to do nextSibling
echo "Result: " . $result . "
"; /* will be either "success" or "error" */
echo "Error: " . $error . "
"; /* will be either blank or a description of the error */
echo "contact ID: " . $contactId . "
"; /* will be either blank if error or contain the RM Contact ID */?>
Using ASP.NET?
VB.NETImports System.IOImports System.NetDim postData As String = "apikey=pr-46e149eef5024d1a9e6db8e59a27d78a&action=addWebLead&FName=Maddox"postData += "&LName=Smith&email=msmith@mailservice.com&agegroup=Teens&mobile=8885551212"
Dim myURL As String = "https://addmembers.com/RainMaker/api/?"
Dim myWebClient As New WebClient()
Dim stream = myWebClient.OpenRead(myURL)
Dim response As String = myWebClient.ReadToEnd()
'The variable "response" will have the JSON results if you want to parse it.
C#using System.IO;using System.Net;String postData = "apikey=pr-46e149eef5024d1a9e6db8e59a27d78a&action=addWebLead&FName=Maddox"postData += "&LName=Smith&email=msmith@mailservice.com&agegroup=Teens&mobile=8885551212";String URI = "https://addmembers.com/RainMaker/api/?" + postData;WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
Stream stream = webClient.OpenRead(URI);
String request = reader.ReadToEnd();//The variable "request" will have the JSON results if you want to parse it.
Get Age Groups through the API
You can go to the following link to get the exact age groups for your school. Substitute your SID (RainMaker School ID), api key is not required.
You will get a JSON response similar to this:
{"AgeGroups": "Little Tigers,Kids,Teens,Adults"}
When you post to the API the AgeGroup field, we are expecting one of the Age groups. Example: agegroup=Little Tigers