Check out the services your coach offer and get an idea about the inclusion of their services, by visiting their coach profile.
βIf you have a Coach account, please see the related article on switching between Coach and Member profiles before continuing the following steps.
Select a Coaching Service:
To select a coaching service, go to Contacts in the navigation panel.
Click View Profile of the coach that you want to schedule a session with.
You will be redirected to their coach profile.
Scroll down to My Services to check their available services.
Click Preview Program to know which service is the right one for you.
Click Purchase.
Invite a Coach:
If your coach is not currently in your contacts lists, you can invite them to join your Zoee contacts.
To invite a coach, go to Contacts in the navigation panel.
Click on New Contact.
Add the email address of the coach you want to invite.
Manually add multiple coaches by clicking Add Row.
Click Next.
Click Send Invite.
Your coach will receive an email containing the link where they can create an account.
You can also resend or revoke any invites you have sent.
If you have further questions or feedback, you can contact the Zoee team by clicking the chat button next to your profile icon or drop us an email at - we'd love to hear from you!