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Scheduler: Changing Thumbnail in a Link Post
Scheduler: Changing Thumbnail in a Link Post

How to edit a thumbnail, headline and description in the link posts

Tereza avatar
Written by Tereza
Updated over a week ago

Facebook Link Post

To change your Facebook Link post's thumbnail, headline, and description, ensure to have your URL link domain successfully verified in your Business Manager first. πŸ’‘

The Upload button appears when hovering over the post image.

Should the domain remain unverified, the Upload button will be inaccessible upon hovering over the image.

Thumbnail Image Requirements

  • 8 MB max.

  • Use images of at least 1200 x 630 px for the best display on high-resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 px to display link page posts with larger images.

  • 1.9:1 Aspect Ratio (recommended) – If you upload a picture with a different ratio, Facebook will crop the picture to the required 1.9.:1 ratio.

You can find the Link post templates in our Image Editor, where you can double-check the size. πŸ‘‡

LinkedIn Link Post

When creating a link post on LinkedIn, you have the option to customize both the title and the preview thumbnail.

  • To change the title, simply click within the title area, and it will turn yellow, signaling that you are in editing mode.

  • For changing the thumbnail, click on the Upload button, and choose an image from your computer.

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