To avoid any issues with your order, we highly recommend that when you are finalizing your order, you also check that all the information and items are correct.
Before selecting "Pay Now", review the final page at checkout to ensure the accuracy of all your details!
Check Your Order Details with the Checkout Checklist!
Did you add all the items you wanted, in the correct quantities?
Are the sizes and colors correct?
If you are unsure about sizing, check the "What Size Am I? link on each item's page:
Is your email address correct/current?
Is your shipping address correct and complete?
Did you select the correct shipping method?
Did you click "Apply" when adding a discount code or gift card?
If your code was successfully applied, it should appear like this:
If your code is invalid or expired, you will see an error message:
Is the total cost of your order correct?
Does the total reflect the correct shipping method, prices, discounts, gift cards, etc.
Please note the total summary will not show line items for a discount code, member discount, etc. The Subtotal will already reflect the adjusted pricing.