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Frequently Asked Questions about ZIN Now

Updated over 4 months ago

Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions about ZIN Now. Click on the Table of Contents above to preview all the questions and get redirected to the answer you are looking for!

What is ZIN Now?

ZIN Now is the ZIN-exclusive digital platform for music, choreo and educational videos. ZIN Now is available to all ZINs and can be accessed through ZIN Home.

What content can I find on ZIN Now?

ZIN Now, the ZIN-exclusive digital platform for music and choreo, is available to all ZIN members and can be accessed through ZIN Home. However, the content depends on if you receive your monthly materials via digital or physical delivery.

  • Digital delivery - As of August 13th, 2015, ZIN Members are automatically set up to receive digital delivery of all monthly materials and the content can be accessed directly from ZIN Now.

  • Physical delivery - ZIN members who who joined prior to August 13th, 2015 and receive their monthly materials by mail, will only have access to certain materials on ZIN Now, such as bonus choreo and music or e-learning content that they purchased. (Note: Members with physical deilvery can choose to receive their ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes delivered digitally. Login and find the options here.)

Will my monthly ZIN™ fees change if I switch to digital materials?

If you receive your ZIN materials in physical format, making the switch to digital will not change your fees. While the cost of providing you the music and videos digitally is more expensive for Zumba, you will continue to pay the same price.

If you choose to receive both digital and physical copies of your ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes - with this option there is an additional monthly fee of $9.95 USD for the additional copy as we will need to get additional music licenses.

To make the switch to digital, or receive both digital and physical copies, login and click here.

Can I get both digital and physical delivery of my ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes?

Yes. You can choose to receive both digital and physical copies of your ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes. There is monthly fee of US$9.95 for the additional copy as we will need to get additional music licenses. To receive both digital and physical copies, click here.

How many times can I download my content?

You can download each music and choreo one time, but you are able to stream (aka watch online) all content without limitation! For example, if you download a video with a front angle, you cannot download it again with a back angle — but you are able to stream that video as many times as you’d like with various viewing preferences.

Will I be able to access my ZIN Now content from all devices?

Yes. You can stream all content from almost any device — phone, tablet, and computer. Some features are not available on all browsers or devices, such as downloading and using different camera angles. You cannot download on your iPhone® or iPad® due to Apple limitations on these devices, but you can successfully stream all content on these devices.

Why can't I download music or choreo onto my iPhone or iPad?

You cannot download on your iPhone® or iPad® due to Apple limitations on these devices, but you can successfully stream all content on these devices.

When will I get my ZIN™ Volume / Mega Mix if I switch to digital?

You will get your ZIN™ Volumes and Mega Mixes on the 1st of every month, starting the month after you switch to digital.

If I switch to digital, will I see my old ZIN™ Volumes and Mega Mixes on ZIN Now?

No. Previous ZIN™ Volumes and Mega Mixes were delivered physically, so you will only receive new content on ZIN™ Now.

If I am a physical subscriber, can I access the ZIN™ Now platform?

Yes. You can access content such as bonus choreo and music, as well as any e-learning content that you purchased. However, you will not have access to ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes on ZIN™ Now, unless you switch to receive your ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes digitally. You can make the switch to digital here.

What happens if my download fails?

You can try to download it again right after the download has failed if you are on the same device. If you are still having trouble, please contact our customer care team for assistance.

If I switch to digital, can I go back to physical?

You can go back to physical one time. You will not get a physical copy of the previous volumes that you received on ZIN™ Now. You will also lose access to your ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes on ZIN™ Now. Please contact our customer care team for assistance.

What happens if my computer crashes and I lose access to my music?

You should always back up any files that you download onto your computer. We recommend backing up your files onto an external hard drive or a cloud service. If you have any issues with lost content, please contact our customer care team for assistance.

Important note: You CANNOT share the content (even with other ZIN™ Members). This content has strict legal rules pertaining to privacy.

Do we have access to old ZIN™ Volumes & Mega Mixes on ZIN Now?

No. Old ZIN™ Volumes and Mega Mixes that were delivered to you in physical DVD and CD format will not be available on ZIN Now. We can only provide one song license per ZIN Member.

Why don't all videos have front, back camera and left and right foot start?

Older videos were not filmed that way originally and don't have that option. Newer videos do. Any videos that do have the option are included and you can stream or download these options.

What happens to my ZIN Now access if I put my ZIN account on hold?

If you put your account on hold, we will hold on to the content for you. When your account reactivates, you will have all the content that you previously had as a ZIN™ Member in good standing. You will not have access to the ZIN Volumes and Mega Mixes that were released while your account was on hold.

What happens to my ZIN Now access if I end my ZIN™ membership?

If you end your ZIN™ membership, you will lose access to ZIN Now and all your content.

How do I manage my ZIN Now preferences?

Your ZIN Now Preferences are located under "My Stuff" in the top right corner. You'll find the option to turn verbal cues on and off, view videos starting with right or left foot, and camera angle preferences.

Where are my videos downloaded on my computer?

It depends on your device, please check your settings. For example, if you have a Mac, your settings might be set up to download videos and music into your iTunes account or into your downloads folder.

Is Specialty music & choreo available on ZIN Now?

Your Specialty music and choreo can be found on ZIN Now under the category Specialties. ​​Below are the direct links:

Remember, you will only see the content for the Specialties you are licensed to teach.

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