Looking for a licensed Zumba® instructor or STRONG Nation® instructor for an event, class, or to substitute teach your class? Need to verify that an instructor is licensed?
Find A Licensed Zumba® Instructor - Click Here
Find A Licensed STRONG Nation® Instructor - Click Here
Want to find a class or need information about the types of classes? Want to practice your moves before class?
Find a Zumba® class near you - Click Here
Find a STRONG Nation® class near you - Click Here
Want to have Zumba® classes or STRONG Nation® classes at your facility or become a Gym Partner? Need information on how to apply to host an instructor training?
Zumba® for Gyms and facility managers - Click Here
STRONG Nation® for Gyms and facility managers - Click Here
A quick how-to guide on properly using Zumba Fitness trademarks:
Trademark Usage Guide - Click Here
Does Zumba Fitness provide liability insurance waivers?
Zumba Fitness, LLC does not provide liability insurance waivers. Every Zumba® and STRONG Nation® Instructor is an independent contractor who decides his or her rates, schedule, terms and agreements, etc. Please contact your insurance company, attorney or the facility where you teach your classes for assistance regarding liability insurance waivers.
What is an affinity partner?
Companies whose products/services compliment the Zumba Fitness lifestyle may enter into a mutually beneficial relationship with Zumba Fitness as an Affinity Partner. Affinity Partner special offers/promotions specific to the Zumba Instructor Network are communicated by Zumba Fitness on ZIN Home, i.e. Discounts page, via an Affinity Partnership.