To access the 'Site Manager' tab click the Settings tab, and click Rooms.
Through the Site Manager you can add, update and access your Site information.
The 'Site' screen shows all your current Sites with which you can add, edit and view multitudes of information.
You can search for sites using these filters available at the top of the screen. Your sites will display below the filters.
From this screen you can:
Transfer Sites
Upload Sites
Add Sites
View / Edit Sites
Deactivate Sites
Archive Sites
Transfer Sites
When you want to transfer a Site, select this Site by ticking the box on the left side of the screen that corresponds to the site you want to transfer, then click the green 'Transfer Room' button on the top right.
In the next screen you select the Franchisee you want to transfer the Site to, and the reason for transferring the Site.
Upload Sites
The green 'Upload Rooms' button will take you to the following screen:
You can download a sample file (Excel) by clicking the green generate blank template or generate template from filters button which will indicate what information is required, and which column to use.
Once all details are added to the spreadsheet, save it and return to the 1Place screen.
The system will now double check your file and it's content, highlighting any errors.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Upload Data' if you wish to proceed.
Add Sites:
The green '+Add Room (Site)' button will allow you to add a new room by entering all required details in the correct fields.
Once all details are entered, click the green save button.
Please note: you must link the Site to the Profile(s), so that Users can see the Site and attached Franchisee through their login.
View/Edit Sites:
After clicking View/Edit (in the action box) you are taken to a page with internal tabs.
These tabs each hold different information vital to a Site Manager.
The visibility of these tabs will depend on the User's Profile.
Room Details: Details on the selected room. This can be edited and adjusted here.
Under room details, is the "Main contact" Field. If there are email addresses entered in these fields, those email addresses will pre-populate when a user sends the checklist by email once they complete it and hit the submit button. Each of the "Email Address/To:" and "Email CC:" fields can have multiple emails if you use the delimiter, comma (,).
Here is the sample when you submit a checklist with the email checklist checkbox ticked.
Checklists: See all completed checklists for the Franchisee with the ability to delete or print them.
Tickets: Details on tickets assigned to the room with the ability to create new tickets for the specific room.
Attributes: An overview of all Attributes the Franchisee is included in.
Aliases: An overview of all Aliases the Franchisee is included in.
Documents: Upload Disclosure and confidentiality agreements along with other important documents.
Custom Fields: Create your own tabs for specific information about your Franchisee. Custom Fields are set up and managed in the Settings menu.
Incidents: Various incidents related to the room can be viewed and printed here.
Notes: Add notes and corresponding documents that relate to a specific center.
Deactivate Sites:
If a Site decides to leave your business, you can deactivate the Site with a few simple steps.
Deactivating means that moving forward nothing new (Checklist / Ticket / Note etc) can be created against the Deactivated Site.
Please note that you can't report on deactivated Sites through the various filters on 1Place.
Archiving Sites:
The main difference between Archiving and Deactivating is that you can still report on Archived Sites.
Moving forward nothing new (Checklist / Ticket / Note, etc) can be created against the Archived Site.
How to bulk update the status of Sites:
Bulk update can be done on various modules via the uploader. Simply click on the green "Upload ..." button on the right hand side of each page:
Here is the step by step, taking room uploader as an example;
1. Generate/export the uploader template spreadsheet, choose the necessary columns by moving them to the right hand side (as shown below) and make sure to include "Rec status".
*Please be aware that any changes made on any cell in the spreadsheet will be reflected back to the system. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you apply only the columns you need an update on.
2. Now that all the sites along with the selected columns are exported onto the excel spreadsheet. You can then update the Rec Status for the wanted site(s).
3. Upload the updated spreadsheet:
Note: If you want to update the rec status for particular rooms/sites, you can filter them down by Rooms/Sites or Room/Site Alias: