To access the Profiles section click the Settings tab and then click ‘Profiles.’
Within the profiles section a user can add new profiles, or edit currently existing profiles.
In order to search for a profile, use the filters at the top of the screen.
Adding Profiles:
To add a profile, click the green ‘Add Profile’ button on the right side of the screen.
Various options will appear on the next screen.
In the Details section you may add a profile name and description. You can also set up which will be the landing page for any User with this Profile.
In the Reporting section you determine which Dashboards the Profile gets access to. It also allows the user to choose which excel reports the Profile may have access to and if the Profile can create a new reporting dashboard.
Checklists Permissions section allows the user to give a Profile certain permissions regarding the creation and other options of checklists.
The user may also choose which checklists this Profile has an access to and is able to use. You may drag the selected checklist into the right side of the screen to enable it, or click your desired checklist and click the button with one arrow to move it to the right box where it is enabled. Clicking the button with two right arrows will move all of the checklists, allowing the user to access all checklists.
Tickets Permissions section allows the user to give a Profile certain permissions regarding the Tickets section of 1Place. The user may also choose which Ticket categories the Profile may use.
Health & Safety Permissions allow the user to give a Profile certain permissions regarding the Health & Safety sections of 1Place. The user may also choose which Incident types and hazards this Profile has an access to, whether that be all hazards within the business, or only hazards on sites they have access to.
Center or Room Permissions section allows the user to choose what the Profile can change within the Center or Room sections.
We have two (2) Permissions that will make it easier for your team to manage Users in 1Place. Previously only Super Users were able to manage Users, but by activating these Permissions that responsibility can now be shared among other Users.
By enabling this "Access To Edit Users" Permission, the assigned Users can Add new Users and update existing Users.
By enabling this "Allow Update Other Users' Password" Permission, the User can only reset passwords for Users with a Profile that sits lower in the Hierarchy than the 'current' User.
In the Users section, you may see which Users has same profile or you may select which Users you want to assign in this profile.
Access to Tags allows the user to choose which tags the Profile may have access to.
Default Tags will allow the user which tag will be defaulted when this Profile creates a new ticket or checklist.
Mobile App Permissions allow the user to give a Profile the options to only have access to the mobile app, or to access tickets only within the app.
When you have completed all of the options above, click the green ‘Add’ button at the bottom right of the screen.
Uploading Profiles:
In the following screen you can download the Excel Template file, which you can fill in and then upload.
Please note that you'll need to be very accurate when entering details into the upload file.
If any details are incorrect or unknown, your import might fail.
The system will show you how many records are going to be imported before proceeding.
Click the green "Upload Data" button to upload of the new profile.
Change Hierarchy
By default, the 'SUPER USER PROFILE' will be assigned the number 1 (this cannot be updated). All other profiles will be numbered 2. You can modify the profile's hierarchy on the Settings > Profiles page by clicking 'Change Hierarchy' and applying numbering to create the hierarchy.
To learn more about this, you may refer to the "Profile Permission" and "Profile Hierarchy" articles.