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Profile Hierarchy

Update the Profile Hierarchy when you're allowing 'normal' Users to add / edit Users

Updated over a month ago

If you're going to allow your 'normal' (Profile) Users (non-Super Users) to use either of the below Profile Permissions, it is critical that you apply the correct Profile Hierarchy. The following Profile Permissions depend on this Hierarchy:

  • Access To Edit Users

  • Allow Update Other Users' Password

By applying the correct Hierarchy, you will ensure that Users with either of these Permissions can only update certain other Users. On the Settings > Profiles page you click 'Change Hierarchy' and then apply numbering to create the Hierarchy.

By default the 'SUPER USER PROFILE' will be number 1 (this can't be updated). All other Profiles will be number 2.

In the example above the numbers 1-5 have been applied. If a User with Profile #2 has 'Access To Edit Users', they can edit the following Users:

  • Users with either Profile 3, 4 or 5, AND

  • Users with access to at least 1 similar Site (Room)

'Normal' Users can't update other Users with the same Profile #, or Users that don't have access to the same Site (Room).

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