If you're going to allow your 'normal' (Profile) Users (non-Super Users) to use either of the below Profile Permissions, it is critical that you apply the correct Profile Hierarchy. The following Profile Permissions depend on this Hierarchy:
Access To Edit Users
Allow Update Other Users' Password
By applying the correct Hierarchy, you will ensure that Users with either of these Permissions can only update certain other Users. On the Settings > Profiles page you click 'Change Hierarchy' and then apply numbering to create the Hierarchy.
By default the 'SUPER USER PROFILE' will be number 1 (this can't be updated). All other Profiles will be number 2.
In the example above the numbers 1-5 have been applied. If a User with Profile #2 has 'Access To Edit Users', they can edit the following Users:
Users with either Profile 3, 4 or 5, AND
Users with access to at least 1 similar Site (Room)
'Normal' Users can't update other Users with the same Profile #, or Users that don't have access to the same Site (Room).