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Checklist Exception Calendars

You can now block out specific dates, date ranges and recurring dates that should be excluded from checklist schedules.

Updated over a week ago

You can now block out specific dates, date ranges and recurring dates that should be ‘excepted’ from checklist schedules. No more unnecessary checklists going overdue!

Where do I find it?

Click on Checklists and then Exception Calendars.

How do I create it?


2. Name this exception calendar. Make sure the name describes what this exception is applying to. In this example, creating exception calendar that apply to all centres/centers.

Exclude Checklist Templates from Exception

3. 'Exclude these Checklist Templates from Exception' - In this section, you can select templates that you do not want to be affected by the schedule exception.

Tips: It is recommended to exclude weekly, monthly, and yearly checklist templates. This is because weekly or monthly checklists typically have an expiry or due date within a week or a month from the issue date. Even if the issue date falls on a public holiday, you would still want these checklists to be issued and remain on your Checklists to-do list so you can complete them during the rest of the week or month.

Therefore, we suggest applying the exception calendar mainly to the daily checklists.

4. Select all templates you don't want to apply this rule

5. You can continue selecting different templates by typing the keyword, such as "Monthly", then select each template that came up.

Select Franchisees (Centres/Services/Centers) and Sites (Rooms/Sessions) to apply the rule to

6. Now, select sites you want to apply this rule. If you're creating an Exception Calendar for National Public Holidays, then you'd select all sites.
If you're creating one for Regional Public Holidays, select rooms that are under the region.

7. If you wish to select all rooms, you can do so by clicking on "Select All"

8. If you already have Room Alias set up for certain Regions, Areas etc., you can apply Room Alias instead of selecting Rooms one by one.

9. Now, select Franchisees that are applicable
Note: Since there are two types of Checklists, one for Centers/Services/Centres, one for Rooms/Sites, you would have to select both to make sure this rule applies.

10. Same as room alias, if you already set up center/service/centre alias for certain regions/areas, you may wish to select them using the aliases instead of selecting them one by one

11. Once you created an Exception Calendar rule, click on 'SAVE'

How do I set exception dates and date ranges?

Now, scroll down to the "Exception Dates". This section is where you start adding all the specific dates and date ranges you don't want checklists appear.

Date and Date Ranges

You can set up a one-off event in this section. You can either set a specific date or a certain date range to prevent checklists appearing on those dates.

Exception Date

When you wish to add a one-off event (e.g. Teacher's only day) to make sure your scheduled checklists won't appear, use this function.

Below dialog pops up. Enter the name of the event and click on the Exclude Date.

Select the specific date on the calendar, click OK,

Then save.

Exception Date Range

When you wish to set up a certain data range that you do not want scheduled checklists show up (e.g. End of the year school closure, facility maintenance week closure etc.), use this function.

Below dialog pops up. Enter the name of the event. Then set the date ranges using the calendar. Please note date range defaults in the week you're currently in.

Click on the start date within the calendar, then select the end date. (in this example, the closure week starts from Aug 7 and end on Aug 11). Click on SAVE.

You now see the list of date ranges and dates you set up as one-off events in newest>oldest date order:

Recurring Days

Reccuring Days can be used when you have a closure on the certain date every year, such as Christmas Day.

Let's name this exception day. If it is public holiday, enter the name of public holiday.

Click on 'Exclude Day of year'

Choose the month

Choose the date

Shows you the month you selected, click on "OK".

Click on SAVE

This means that every year on February 29th, checklists won't be scheduled (except those templates you excluded in the above steps)

Repeat the process until you enter all of the recurring days and you will see those days automatically appear in oldest > newest date order. If you wish to edit the date, click on the name of the recurring day.

Edit the exception dates

If you entered the wrong date for one of the public holiday, you can edit it by clicking on the name of the public holiday.

Reselect the month and date


Now this public holiday is updated with the correct date. Note: When you create/update the exception days, it'll automatically save to this exception calendar rule. (You can see a pop up on the top right corner, says "Success - Exception day changed")

Create Checklist Schedules and apply the Exception Calendar Rules

If you create a checklist schedule after setting up an Exception Calendar, the rule will take effect immediately, without waiting for 30 days.

For instance, if you set up an exception calendar today (June 5th) for a public holiday, any new checklist schedules starting from today will not display any checklists. They will start displaying checklists from tomorrow onwards, until the next public holiday (e.g., July 14th).

To create a Checklist Schedule, follow the steps below.

Checklist Manager > Checklist Templates:

Click on 'Schedule' under Action for the template you want to create schedule for.

If you are creating New Schedule AFTER the exception calendar is created, the rule applies instantly, without waiting for 30 days.

If the checklist was already scheduled BEFORE you created an Exception Calendar rule, this applies only after 30 days from the day you created an exception calendar.

It is recommended to set up multiple exception calendar rules based on your preferences, such as one for organis/zation-wide closure (e.g. national public holidays) and another for centre/center specific closures, region specific closures etc.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your dedicated Client Success Managers or the Support team.

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