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Widget Types
Updated over 7 months ago

There are currently 4 Categories of Widget Types available on the Reporting Dashboard:

- Checklist Widgets (reporting on the full Checklist)

- Checklist Question Widgets (reporting on 1 question from a Checklist)

- Health & Safety Widgets (reporting on Incidents / Accidents)

- Ticket Widget (reporting on Tickets)

Checklist Widgets

- Checklist As A Whole; A bar graph which shows the (average) score of all Checklists completed across the selected period of time, separated out by Franchisee / Site. You can choose between a Bar (horizontal presentation) or Column (vertical presentation) graph.

- Checklist Group Results: A radar graph where each point is a Group in the Checklist you select. The scores displayed on the points are the scores (percentages) for each group.

- Checklist Completion: A table which shows which checklists have been completed on which days/weeks/months. This widget also supports schedules by marking checklists with the red 'X', green tick and orange status bar seen on the Summary Dashboard.

Checklist Question Widgets

- Checklist Question Report; Another bar graph but this Widget requires you to select specific questions, and answers to those questions. It then gives you a graph showing how many of those answers were given, separated out by Site/Franchisee. Up to three questions can be selected and you can choose between a Bar (horizontal presentation) or Column (vertical presentation) graph.

- Checklist Column / Line / Pie Report; In any of these Widgets: select a Question and an Answer in this report to show how many instances of this answer occurred. You can also alter other options such as the Column Report being regular or stacked, or switching from 2D to 3D (Pie).

Health & Safety Widgets

- Incident Column Report

- Incident Line Report

- Incident Pie Report

- Incident Signature Report

Ticket Widget

- Ticket Outstanding Plugin - this widget gives you the ability to see the tickets raised from the checklist at a glance and to be able to track it to completion.

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