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Checklist Register

This article will explain the Checklist Register and how to use it.

Updated over 8 months ago

The checklist register enables users to see every single checklist that has been started and finished.

To access the Checklist Register click the checklists tab and click "Register."

At the top of the Register page there are various filters which enable you to search for Checklists within the register:

These options help users scan through checklists in a more specific manner. This helps users find the checklists they need to access much faster than scrolling through the entire list.

The blue names / buttons may be clicked on to change how the user views the checklist register.

  • Name: Alphabetically sorts the names of your checklists. A lock icon will appear if a checklist is locked or cannot be edited.

  • Template: Alphabetically sorts your templates.

  • Date: Sorts by when the checklist was completed - Either the farthest or closest date.

  • Creator: Allows the user to sort by who created the checklists.

  • Center/Franchisee: Allows the user to sort checklists by the franchise/center.

  • Site/Room: Allows the user to sort checklists by the site/room.

  • Score: Allows you to view the score of the checklists.

  • Completed: Orange Status Bar (partially completed) or Green Check (fully completed).

  • Actions: Allows the user to Delete a checklist from the Register, Print a PDF of the Checklist, Copy a checklist and save the Attachments to their PC. These is also an option to email the PDF to someone, and check the Checklist + Email history.

Reassigning Checklist

The “Select Checklist” box with check boxes on the far left correlates with the green buttons above the checklist register list.

To use any of these options, click the checkbox next to the checklist you want to interact with, and select one of the green options.

  • Reassign: Allows the user to Reassign the checklist to either a franchisee or site, and then allows the user to choose a specific franchisee or site.

  • Generate Custom Report: Allows the user to generate a custom PDF report for their checklist. Report layouts are created in the Reports section under 'Checklist PDF Layouts.' The creation of these are explained in the Checklist PDF Layouts article.

  • Lock/Unlock Update: Clicking this will lock your checklist so further changes are not permitted. If the checklist is already locked, clicking this will unlock it for further use.

  • Complete Checklist: Allows the user to select a specific checklist that has not been completed and allows them to complete the checklist.

As a whole, the Checklist Register allows users to see their completed and non-completed checklist, giving users various options regarding their checklists.

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