v4.4.0 (30.01.2025)
Switched columns and rows in sea state table manager. Rows now correspond to heading and columns to Tp
User can now select “Optimal heading” in heading selection for best possible operability
Sea state table warnings only apply within the defined step duration
Updated design for Helideck tab
Updated design for the weather table
v4.3.5 (09.01.2025)
Remove shift of limit graph in step drill down plots
Lowest Hs limit is selcted if forecasted Tp is between sea state table rows and Tp interpolation = “None”.
v4.3.4 (20.12.2024)
Fix timezone conversion which was not applied properly to result set
v4.3.2/v3.3 (18.12.2024)
Add weather sensor data back to weather page
v4.3.1 (12.12.2024)
Fix bug so that alpha factor activities with Tp outside sea state table range shows grey operability / no limit available
v4.3.0 (12.12.2024)
Implement single RAO forecasting (called parameter response criteria).
Upgrades the ODST to Angular 17
Reworked how ODST loads result files
Enable drill down page for grouped VMBC steps
Enable drill down page for grouped parameter response steps
Traces/legends in drill down pages are made more compact
User can now select “Head sea” as a heading option if the operation allows for weathervaning
If the forecasted weather is outside the defined bounds of Tp and Relative direction in a given sea state table, operability will now be greyed out (= not limit data available)
Fix a bug where start date was locked for steps that previously had a predecessor
Rework Tpop warning to only appear if Time since issue + duration >72 h, not Time between issue date and step end > 72h.
v4.2.2 (02.12.2024)
Fix bug so that Tp warning only applies to forecasted weather
v4.2.1 (27.11.2024)
Fix bug in interpolation feature in sea state table activity
v4.2.0 (25.10.2024)
Users will now get a warning if the forecasted Tp is outside their defined Tp range in the selected sea-state table.
User can refresh the dashboard data without refreshing the entire browser.
Implemented a max duration for steps. Now steps can not have a duration + contingency time that exceed 10 000 hours
Renamed “Weathearvaning” template in sea-state tables to “Head sea”.
Sub-status bars are now smaller than total status bars across the tool.
Fixed a bug where the entire confidence bar was not shown.
Fixed an issue with zooming in the vmbc step drill down.
v4.1.0 (08.10.2024)
4.1.0 incorporates a new weather metric “received”. This shows when the weather was detected by the tool, and replaces the old issue date in many places.
Weather age warnings are now triggered based on the “received” time of the data, not the issue date.
“Weather issued” flags in plots are replaced with “Weather received” in plots, except for plots where alpha factors are incorporated where “Weather issued” will still be displayed.
Fixes a timezone error in the heading advisory, causing “End ops” flags to sometimes end up before “Start ops”.
Fixes a bug where the displayed heading in the compass is reset to 0 when editing steps in the planner.
v4.0.1 (03.10.2024)
Bugfix for the operability report. Weather forecast is now included, and colors are correct for the pass/fail table
v4.0.0 (01.10.2024)
v4.0.0 contains major overhauls the UI of the Offshore Decision Support Tool, aligning it more with the look and feel of 4Insight platform. Additionally it contains functionality for multiple plans.
UI overhaul for all modules except "Helideck" page.
Users can now create up to five separate plans in paralell in the planner.
The most common DNV alpha-factor tables now come embedded in the tool, saving the user from having to set up the same tables for every new instance of the tool.
"Confidence factor" had been added to the weather criteria drill down page
v3.7.2 (12.08.2024)
Fix for data not refreshing correctly when switching between groups in the drill down
Fix for heading interpolation not working for wave activities with sea state tables
v3.7.1 (13.06.2024)
v3.7.0 (12.06.2024)
This version completes the grouping functionality. It also introduces conflict-handling so that users no longer can overwrite each others sequences when working in the same dashboard.
Users can now add new steps to existing groups, or create a new group from the step creator
Adding selected steps to an existing group or creating a new group are now separate actions in the planner
Users can now duplicate steps, not just groups
Users are now prevented from editing the sequence if someone has else has modified it in the time since the sequence was last loaded. If the sequence has been modified, user will be prompted to refresh the current sequence
Fixes a bug where duplicating groups where steps had a predecessor outside it caused duplication to fail
v3.6.0 (04.06.2024)
Users can now access a dashboard before weather forecasts are set up
Users can add a tolerance to peak wave period (Tp) when using sea-state tables
Groups can now be viewed from the drill down page. This includes:
An overview with status bar for each activity and total operability
Specific sub-pages for wind/wave/current criteria used in the group activities.
Warning for vmbc- and rft-criterias that drill down is not available
Wave, wind and current measurements can now be viewed through the step drill down page, if sensors are available
Refactored weather info component
Fix weather-info button color not inline with the warning
Fix objects potentially being stored in the database with unwanted parameters
v3.5.1 (08.05.2024)
Fixes 500 errors being thrown for dashboards with large lists of activities, limitations and steps in the sequence.
v3.5.0 (25.04.2024)
User can group step(s)
User can ungroup step(s) from existing group
User can ungroup a whole group
User can duplicate a group
User can see operational status of a group
User can see if there are warnings related to a group
User can edit an existing group
User can select appropriate actions based on the group/step combination selected
v3.4.0 (19.03.2024)
User can now add multiple steps for a curve in the planner
Forecaster select is moved below tabs in drill down for more consistency across pages
Removal of legacy code, and disposing of subscriptions to avoid memory leaks
v3.3.2 (08.03.2024)
Fixes grey “no forecast” status not taking precedence in the overall status bar.
v3.3.1 (03.04.2024)
Fixes incorrect zoom-interval showing when switching between steps in the drill-down menu.
v3.3.0 (28.02.2024)
Remove opacity around operational windows to improve visibility of full plot (MO-433)
Unique naming for activities, sea state tables and alpha factor tables (MO-431)
Add grey in status bars representing “no data” for RFT (MO-436)
Data from one weather forecaster is enough for criteria to be selectable (MO-469)
Change start date directly from heading advisory overlay (MO-434)
Switch between two last issue dates for RFT steps in planner (MO-435)
Freeze timestamp in weather table to improve readability (MO-296)
Improve column with of tables to capture all info (MO-471)
Fix initial timestamp in weather table (MO-461)
Add feedback and bug report button next to release notes (MO-483 & 484)
Align zooming throughout the tool (MO-439)
Misc. renaming and cleanup
v3.2.0 (31.01.2024)
Tabulated weather has been consolidated under one sub-page called “Tabulated weather”
No data is added as a legend for confidence and operability bars. If no confidence is avaliable, the bar will appear as grey rather than the blue disclaimer.
Available activity criteria are now filtered depending on the dataset. Vessels that only have tabulated weather will, for example, no longer have the option to select VMBC.
User can now edit the heading of planned steps directly from the heading advisory
Fix forecaster select working across Helideck, Drill-down, Tabulated and Spectrum pages. Each select is now independent of each other
Fix zoom working across Helideck, Drill-down, Tabulated and Spectrum pages. Each zoom is now independent of each other
Fix expand not working on timeseries in current and wind
Fix polar plots not initializing on correct date for current and wind
v3.1.1 (17.01.2024)
Resolved a scaling issue affecting images in the position component.
Fixed an issue where the VMBC status bar was not loading in the comparison component for vessels with only one forecaster.
v3.1.0 (15.01.2024)
This release introduces the helideck module, allowing the user to asses the feasibility of different landing scenarios. Additionally, it introduces several quality of life features to activities, limitations and alpha-factors.
Added helideck module for forecasting landing scenarios.
Added the ability to mark activities as completed or delete them in bulk.
Added the ability to mark limitations as completed or delete them in bulk.
Added ability to delete alpha factors in bulk.
Replaced Show/Hide buttons with a more compact icon.
Added the option to view Tp and relative direction when hovering over the weather criteria plot in the drilldown.
Introduced zoom functionality to drill-down pages.
Replaced the Expand button with an icon for a cleaner interface.
Add RFT data to Weather assessment report.
v3.0.0 (19.12.2023)
This release introduces the possibility to import the data produced by the Subsea7 Response Forecasting Tool (RFT).
It is now possible to create and plan response based activities. The data can also be inspected in the drill-down pages.
Add response based activities
Bulk edit steps
Replace ‘view' buttons with eye icon
Improve styling in pdf report
v2.0.1 (28.11.2023)
Fixes issue of single criteria activities causing margin issues in the home-page planner.
v2.0.0 (23.11.2023)
This release includes a few features that enables a new way of working with activities: multiple criteria. Now an activity can include a wave-based or vessel motion based criteria, and a current and/or wind criteria. The drilldown page gives you the ability to compare and analyze these criteria against each other. Additionally, small usability fixes are included.
Generate weather forecast assessment report for instances with one weather forecaster
Multiple criteria pr activity
Select more than one criteria in activity manager
Calculate overall operability taking multiple criteria into account
Reorganize drill down pages with one tab per criteria
User manual link in top right
More measurements: possibility to have more than one measurement source (e.g. both MIROS and buoy) on wave
Measurements on current and wind where available
v1.5.3 (10.11.2023)
Fixes discrepancies between status bars in the planner and drill down pages.
v1.5.2 (06.11.2023)
Fixes a bug where dashboards with only tabulated weather did not load.
v1.5.1 (03.11.2023)
Fixes interpolation not being taken into account in heading advisory for activities with sea-state tables.
v1.5.0 (03.11.2023)
This release contains some quality of life features centered mostly around the activity planner and the drill down.
Users can delete multiple steps in the planner at once.
Users are no longer blocked from deleting steps if the activity is a predecessor of another step.
Users can access the heading advisory from the planner, rather than accessing it from the drill down page.
The VMBC drill down is now compatible with vessels that do not have a MRU installed.
Info table in drill down has been made more compact.
Users can access sea-state tables from the info table in the drill down page.
Users can access alpha-factor tables from the info table in the drill down page.
VMBC limits are moved to a separate popup in the info table of the drill down page.
v1.4.1 (25.10.2023)
Fixes an alignment issue with the delete button in the MOC/Document number field.
Adds the calculating message back to the tool when making changes in the planner.
Fixes only VMBC results being shown in the wave comparison page of the VMBC drill down.
Fixes a bug where status-bars would be green when data is missing such that limit was undefined.
Align tool to work with new 4insight styling (Bootstrap 5)
v1.4.0 (17.10.2023)
Select unit for current and wind speed (knots and m/s) (weather module)
Add start/end ops overlay to heading advisory plot
Additional zoom options on sequence page, including planned operation period
Consistent zoom across weather module
Add VMBC interpolation to wave criteria comparison
Add version number to tool
Move comparison with wave criteria to sequence page
Add activity viewer to planner (add step and sequence)
Add warning icon with grouped warnings in sequence page
Download data in dashboard as a pdf report (two forecasters only)
v1.3.2 (05.10.2023)
Fix bug that forced tool to be reloaded before activities could be added to planner when there previously was no instance of the sequence in the database.
Fix bug where deleting all activities in the tool caused the tool to get stuck at “Calculating”
v1.3.1 (20.09.2023)
Fix steps overlapping when put in sequence and duration is decimal number.
Fix alpha-factor option appearing in activity manager, despite dashboard not being configured for it.
Fix bug that hindered activities being added to planner when there previously was no instance of the sequence in the database.
v1.3.0 (14.09.2023)
Warning icon on step appears when there are warnings available
Add weather criteria summary table in comparison view
Heading sensitivity for VMBC activities and make sensitivity activity defined
Zooming available on operational status bars
Document number and revision field available on weather based comparison criteria
Switch place columns to align between tabs
Changes in sequence tab UI
Changes in manager UI
Misc. minor wording changes.
Compression of result files sent to the dashboard: hopefully, this will lead to shorter loading times.
v1.2.1 (30.08.2023)
Displayed weather forecast had wrong time zone on home page and wave tab in weather module
v1.2.0 (08.08.2023)
Option to use wind based operational criteria.
New forecaster selection and weather UI-changes is expanded to wave-spectrum, current and wind pages.
Heading sensitivity is now associated to an activity.
Weather warnings are expressed as notifications.
Warning when user inputted Tsafe causes Tpop to exceed 72 hours.
Activity description is now optional.
Warning if the user selects a vessel heading outside sea-state table heading boundaries.
“Weather based criteria” is renamed to “Wave based criteria”.
Option to view placement of predefined positions on vessel.
v1.1.2 (13.07.2023)
Weekday not reported correctly in weather table
v1.1.1 (12.07.2023)
When switching criteria while creating, it is possible to create an activity which has criteria “constant Hs” but a sea state table associated with it.
v1.1.0 (04.07.2023)
Option to set activity to “completed” when deleting a step from the sequence.
UI changes in parameters tab.
Remove sea state tables that are completed from the drop down list on activity creation.
Compare VMBC with weather criteria (optional) for activity.
Add possibility for current criteria.
Restructure “weather tab” to more easily compare wave component data from different forecasters.
Document number on activity criteria - possibility to add document number for all criteria (wave height, VMBC and current).
v1.0.3 (28.06.2023)
Fix distance warning for 2D spectra appearing on homepage, despite no spectrum being present in result set.
v1.0.2 (27.06.2023)
Change alpha factor calculation to account for maximum duration.
v1.0.0 (19.06.2023)
Remove activities that are completed from activity planner drop down list
Compare polar plots side by side in weather page
Contingency time in activity planner
Heading advisory for weather criteria
Improve alpha factors with Tsafe for activities that can be halted
UI changes for weather info page from
Validate heading input between 0-359 to avoid crashing dashboard
Reset scroll on navigation between pages