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Navigating in AIM

How to navigate and add/modify information in AIM

Updated over 9 months ago

The 4subsea AIM app consists of main components and support tables. The main components are used in the day to day, and the support tables are mainly used for setting up the application.


The AIM app opens in a homepage with links to the different components. The left navigation bar can be used to navigate to all components and support tables.

Adding a record

To add a record click the "New" button in the main navigation bar:

Viewing and modifying a record

To view a record, click on its title:

The fields marked with a padlock cannot be modified. The other fields can be selected and modified. After modification click "Save" or "Save & Close"

Excel Export

To export the current view to Excel, click on the three dots in the main navigation bar and "Export to Excel":

Since some of the components have more fields than displayed in the main view, different views are defined. E.g. for Assets, the "Asset Export" should be chosen before exporting to Excel.

Excel Import

When you've exported data to Excel, you can modify data and import the file again. To add a record, just fill in the first blank line, like so:

To import data through Excel, click on the three dots in the main navigation bar and choose "Import from Excel":

Then choose the file to upload and follow the steps.

NB: Make sure all the relevant columns are present in the Excel file, i.e. that the correct view has been exported before modification.

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