If you have a problem with a transaction or payment, please contact the Support Team via our Intercom Live Chat or email at help@blackthorn.finance.
For incoming payments, please provide the following information:
The proof of payment from the account you made the payment from, this should show:
Amount and currency
Date and time of the transfer
Transaction ID or UETR number (it would be an alphanumeric code such as 1a111a11-11a1-1aa1-1111-1111a1111111)
You can request the paying institution/bank to trace the payment with the Transaction ID or UETR (Unique End-to-end transaction reference, this is a string of 36 unique characters). They'll be able to see the transactional details between your bank, the corresponding bank into which funds are being deposited, as well as identify the wire transfer's current location
For outgoing payments, please provide the following information:
Using the Mobile App:
The proof of payment: you can download it by clicking on History
Click on the transaction you have questions about, a pop-up will open with the transaction details
Click on Receipt to share the transaction’s details
Using the Web Portal:
The proof of payment: you can download it from your Payments & Transfers activities in your “Dashboard”
Click on the transaction you have questions about, a pop-up will open with the transaction details
At the bottom of this pop-up you can download the proof of payment (or you can copy the transaction ID) and send this to us to investigate further