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Currencies Exchange
How do we calculate the exchange rates?
How do we calculate the exchange rates?
Updated over a week ago

We work with our Partner Saxo to get the best value exchange rate. They derive their

rates from a broad range of Tier 1 institutions. These include banks, ECNs and market making firms with unique liquidity.

We will show you the rate you will get when you are doing the currency exchange (this is currently only available on the Web Portal):

  • Once you log in, click on Currency exchange tab

  • Choose the account from where you want to exchange

  • Choose the amount and the currency you want to exchange from

  • Choose the currency you want to get; you will see displayed the exchange rate and the amount you get

  • Chose the target account, if you are using the Multi-Currency account you can exchange currency within the same account

  • Click Exchange

  • A confirmation pop-up will confirm that the exchange is in process, you will see the exchanged funds in your balance in a few minutes.

Individual accounts are currently linked to the platform you are signing up with, this means that if you signed up/logged in via the App you can only access through the App, same for Web portal.

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