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Update a program's schedule

Where to go to update a program's schedule

Updated over 7 months ago

If you know the specific client that you need to give training to, head to clients from the main menu and then scroll to the right on the client's name and click '+ Programming':

If the client has more than one program you'll be shown a pop up to choose the program you want to program on:

You can also go via the main program list page:

If you've selected a program and it's group based, i.e. everyone follows the same programming, you'll see a big '+ Programming' button. Click this to head to the program's schedule:

If it's a custom program, rather than one button, as each client can be sent bespoke programming, you'll need to head to 'active clients' or 'pending clients' and then click '+ Programming' next to the client's name:

That's it. Simple. You can learn about the basics of programming here.

If you need more help, please contact us on live chat.



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