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Create a Job Opening
Updated over 5 months ago

An Opening is made up of a Position and Location. Think of it as a job opening that you are hiring for. For example, you're hiring for a driver (Position) in San Francisco (Location). Your Opening would be "San Francisco - Driver".

Each Opening has its own details and Hiring Workflow that you can customize by adding different stages.

Watch the following video for an overview of Fountain Openings:

How an Opening is Structured

Each job you're recruiting for should be set up as an Opening in Fountain. Having one Opening for each unique Position and Location combination allows you to have different workflows for each, where the hiring requirements/steps may differ. For example, if you're hiring for a driver (Position) in San Francisco (Location) and a driver in New York, two separate Openings allow the flexibility to list different pay rates, ask different questions, run different background checks, etc.


Add Opening

To add an Opening, follow the steps below:

  1. Hover over Jobs in the top navigation bar, and select Openings.


  2. Click the blue Add Opening button.


  3. Select the Position and Location for your Opening. If needed, you can add a new Location/Position by clicking on Add Location or Add Position.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Enter the Opening Details. These details can later be used as Merge Keys for your emails and documents. Review the section below for descriptions of these fields.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Choose Create new workflow if you want to start from scratch, Link existing workflow if you want to create an exact copy of a workflow without modifying its steps prior to creation or Clone existing workflow if you want to clone your workflow from another existing opening and then modify prior to creation.

Link existing workflow

If you choose to link an existing workflow, all the stages, rules, and settings will be cloned over to this new opening without the option to modify prior to creation. If you choose to link a workflow, you will need to choose which Opening's workflow you wish to link from. You will have the option to edit the workflow once it has been created.

Clone existing workflow

If you choose to clone the workflow, all the stages, rules, and settings will be clone over to this new opening. If you choose to clone a workflow, you will need to choose which Opening's workflow you wish to clone from. Please note: cloned stage messages will revert back to sending from the Opening Owner.

Best Practices:

  • Make a new Opening for every Position that has a different Location, especially when the hiring requirements/steps differs due to Location and/or Position specifications.

  • Each Opening should be unique and not share the same position and location

  • Be consistent with your naming convention, if you choose to not follow the default "Location - Position"

Opening Details Field Descriptions

General Details:

Opening Status

If you're not ready to publish your opening on your Job Directory that's hosted on Fountain, click on the dropdown on the top right and click, 'Inactive'.

Job Hours

Full-time / Part-Time

Pay Rate

$x per hour / day / month / year

Job Type

Permanent / Contract / Temporary


Pick one industry that your Opening is in.

Opening Owner

Opening Owner is intended to give a single user more ownership and oversight of the opening. Automated stage emails by default, are sent from the Opening Owner's email unless changed in each message for that stage. If stages notifications are available, emails are sent to the Opening Owner. This user will also receive any email communications from applicants.

External Application Form

You can use Fountain's Application Form or if you prefer to create your own form on your own website or use another method click 'Yes'.

If you clicked 'No' to using an external application form, you will see the application form associated with the 'Position' you selected in step 3. You can edit the questions on the application form by clicking on Unlock, but remember that any changes made will affect the application form for all Openings with this position.

If you clicked 'Yes' to using an external application form, you will be directed to Applicant Sorting which sets the criteria to sort applicants into the opening.

Advanced Settings:

Additional Info

An open field where you can add additional information about the job.

Launch Application Portal

Checking this box will automatically move applicants from the initial landing page to the first stage in the hiring workflow.

Limit Access

Checking this box will make the Opening private. Users will not be able to see this Opening unless you give them access via user permissions page.

Designate as Sourcing Opening

If this box is checked, the Opening will be listed on external job boards including Indeed. Uncheck this box to exclude the Opening from job boards.Checking the box does not automatically post the Opening on job boards. You must make the Opening active in Fountain first.

Designate as Hiring Opening

If this box is checked the Opening will be used to hire candidates or contractors. Uncheck this box if you plan to use this Opening to only route applicants to other Openings where they will complete the full application. Hiring Openings will be included in Job Selector or Job Switcher stages.

Important Notes:

Both the Sourcing and Hiring Opening checkboxes will be checked by default and it is common to leave both of these checkboxes checked.

Instead of marking Openings as "inactive" to differentiate Openings that are used for top of funnel (pulling in/sourcing candidates) from Openings that ultimately do your hiring (end of the hiring process), use the Sourcing Opening and Hiring Opening Advanced Setting checkboxes to make this differentiation instead.

Customer Example for Sourcing vs. Hiring Openings

You have a Warehouse Worker role you want people to apply to, but downstream you need to split them into shift-specific Openings where they actually get hired. When one shift is filled, you want to be able to mark it as inactive, and you don't want to list 5 shifts for every Warehouse Worker role on job boards. Now you can mark the top of funnel "Warehouse Worker" Opening as a "Sourcing" only Opening, and mark the downstream shift-specific Opening as "Hiring" only. These downstream shift Openings can be used in Fountain's Job Selector stage to allow applicants to choose their preferred shift!
If you also have Delivery Driver roles that don't need to be split downstream, these Openings would have both "Sourcing" and "Hiring" toggled on, and will be visible on both job boards and Selector stages.

Learn more about Fountain's Job Selector stage by reviewing this article.

Edit and Delete Existing Openings

  1. Navigate to the home page by clicking on the Fountain Logo on the top left corner.

  2. Next to the Opening, click the three dots and select Edit Job Details.


  3. Edit the Job Details in the Edit Opening window.

  4. Click Save.


Deactivate Opening

You can mark an opening as inactive, which moves the opening to a separate folder to organize your openings.

To mark an Opening as inactive, follow the steps below.

  1. Next to the Opening, click the three dots and select Edit Job Details.

  2. Select the dropdown arrow located in the top right area of the Edit Opening window and choose Inactive.


Hover over your username on the top right > My Profile > General Settings > Hide Inactive Openings. You can hide inactive Openings in the shared openings selector (i.e. the one on the applicant table), Sessions Page, Rule Stage, and Data Validation Setup.


Additional Information:

Marking an Opening as inactive will have the following effects:

  • Removes the Opening from the Fountain’s Job Directory page

  • Sourcing changes:

    • Opening will no longer be able to be Boosted via the Sourcing screen

    • Opening cannot be retargeted in Boost

    • Deactivates the sourcing subscription, as well as related Boost, Indeed campaigns, Indeed ads, Careerbuilder ads, and XML feeds if there is a active Boost at the time of making the Opening inactive

    • The Opening will be deactivated from Fountain pool

  • Users with Profile setting to “hide Inactive jobs” will not be able to see this Opening within their account

  • The Opening will be moved to “Inactive” on the Job Openings page. It will only be visible with “inactive” or “any status” filters rather than “active” or “any status” filters


You should not mark Openings as "inactive" to differentiate Openings that are use for top of funnel from Openings that ultimately do your hiring. Use the Sourcing Opening and Hiring Opening Advanced Setting checkboxes to make this differentiation.

Set Opening Language and Time Zone

To set the language and time zone of the application, follow the steps below.

  1. For new Openings, click Add Opening. For existing Openings, navigate to the Opening you want to edit, click the three dots and click Edit Job Details in the dropdown.

  2. For new Openings, select the location you would like to use. For existing Openings, click Edit Location.

  3. Scroll down to Time Zone and Language. Fountain offers various languages to support your locations. For more details, visit this article.

  4. Make edits as necessary. Click Save.

Set Your Time Zone

By setting your own Time Zone in settings, you can schedule sessions in your time and have it reflected in the applicant's Time Zone. For example, if you are a recruiter based in California and you are recruiting in Hong Kong, setting a session for 7 PM your time will mean that the applicant will see an 8 AM appointment.

Best Practice: Setting Appointment Sessions

Make sure you are aware of the Time Zone difference when setting appointment sessions.

  1. Hover over your username on the top right. In the menu, click My Profile.

  2. Select your Time zone in the Time zone drop-down menu.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Scroll down to General Settings. Check the box Display sessions in opening time zone on the applicant table and applicant profile.

  5. Click Save. You're set!

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