Fountain's Workflow Model allows you to create a single Workflow that can be applied across multiple Openings. This one-to-many Workflow relationship consolidates the number of Workflows your team will manage and allows you to update your Openings far faster than making individual edits.
See User Permissions on the Help Center for more information on granting editing access to manage Workflows within your company account.
Creating a New Workflow
In order to create a new Workflow, you must first create a new Opening. See Create a Job Opening on the Help Center for more detailed information.
On the last screen of the Opening creation process, you will be asked to Create a new workflow, Link existing workflow, or Clone existing workflow.
Create a new workflow: Allows you to create a new workflow from scratch. The stages, settings within these stages, messages, and order of stages will be saved as a workflow that can then be applied to multiple future Openings.
Link existing workflow: Allows you to link to an existing workflow that has already been created. This option should be used if you do not need to make any changes to the stages, order of stages, settings within stages, or messages. Please note, if the language is different within the Opening you are creating compared to the workflow you are trying to link, you will need to confirm you are changing the language before linking the workflow.
Clone existing workflow: Allows you to clone an existing workflow but will provide the ability to make changes to the stages, order of stages, settings within stages, or messages. This should be used if you want a starting-off point but will require some edits based on your position or location.
To create a new Workflow:
On the last Opening creation screen, select Create a new workflow then click Save.
Build your workflow by adding stages, adding rule stages, and creating messaging. For workflow guidance review the Design the Primary Workflow Help Center article.
When done building your workflow, click Save Changes in the top right corner.
In the next pop-up you will be asked to confirm you want to change all impacted Openings. Click Save.
The name of your workflow will be created by default based on the position and location of the Opening. To change the name of the Workflow, click the 3 dots button in the far right of the blue workflow banner at the top of the Workflow Editor screen. Then type a new name in the pop-up and click Rename to save.
Once your Workflow is connected to other Openings, click [number] associated openings in the blue bar from within the Workflow Editor to see a list of impacted Openings, the Opening owner, and the number of applicants within each Opening.
Important Note:
If you make any changes to the Workflow such as moving stages, adding or removing stages, changing the stage settings, or changing messaging, you will be alerted that these changes will impact all Openings connected to this Workflow.
Linking or Cloning an Existing Workflow
As previously mentioned, Fountain also allows you to link or clone an existing Workflow so as to not start from scratch.
To link an existing Workflow:
When you reach the final step of creating your new Opening, select Link existing workflow. Select the Workflow you would like to link to, and click Save.
Linking an existing Workflow will automatically move your new Opening into the list of existing Openings associated with this Workflow.
Important Note:
Linking an existing Workflow will not allow you to make any modifications to the stage settings, order, or messages within that Workflow.
Cloning an existing Workflow:
If any modifications are required to suit your new Opening, but you want to build off of an existing Workflow, select Clone Existing Workflow.
Once you select Clone existing workflow from the new Opening creation screen, select the Workflow you would like to use as your template from the list and click Save. You will then be brought to the Workflow Editor to modify your stages to your needs.
Within the Workflow Editor, modify the stages to the needs of your position, location, and/or Opening. Options include rearranging the order of your stages, modifying stage rules, or changing stage messages. See Stage Types Overview on the Help Center for detailed stage information.
Once all of your changes have been implemented, click Save.
As mentioned above, enter a new title for your modified Workflow that speaks to the position, location, and/or Opening for which you have created the new, modified Workflow.
Changing the Workflow of an Opening
Once an Opening has been created, you can always modify its Workflow from the Jobs screen. To change the workflow of an already existing Opening:
Click Jobs in the top toolbar of any Fountain page and then click Openings.
Click the 3 dots button to the left of the Opening then click Change Workflow. You can also access the Change Workflow option from the Applicant Table > Settings screen.
Within the pop-up, select the new workflow you want to connect to the Opening in the Workflow dropdown box.
If there are no applicants within the Opening you are changing the workflow for, the update will happen immediately.
If there are applicants within the selected Opening, you will be required to map the stages of the origin Workflow to the target Workflow so that Fountain can move applicants into the correct stages of the new Workflow. You will also have the option to send automated communication and perform stage actions when updating an Opening that has applicants within it. This will automatically notify the moved applicants based on the stage they are moved into according to your mapping.
Click Save.
Important Note:
Existing Scheduler stages and Sub-scheduler stages (as part of a Multi-stage) can only be mapped to one Scheduler or Sub-scheduler stage in the new workflow. This prevents a single applicant from having multiple booked sessions within a single scheduler stage. If you have multiple existing Scheduler stages and only one new Scheduler stage you must map one of your existing Scheduler stages to a different target stage type. If you need guidance on how to map your workflow stages correctly, contact your CSM or
Workflow Table
The Fountain Workflow Table is your home base for all of your saved Workflows. To access the Workflow, click Jobs from the top toolbar of any Fountain screen, then click Workflows.
This screen will show all of your Workflows, the total count of connected or associated openings for each Workflow, and its creation date. To remove a Workflow, click the 3 dots button to the left of the Workflow's name and select Delete.
To learn how to bulk edit workflows and stages, review this article.
Watch the video below to see the new Workflow Model in action!