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Move Applicants
Updated over a week ago

You can move an applicant to another stage or Opening in the workflow either individually or in bulk.

Moving Applicants to a new stage

To move a single applicant, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the applicant's Applicant Profile.

  2. Click More Actions.

  3. Click Move To Stage in the dropdown.

  4. Select the stage you want to move the applicant to.


To perform bulk actions and move multiple applicants at one time, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Applicant Table or Universal Applicant View and click the checkboxes next to the applicants you wish to move.


  2. Click Move to Next Stage to move to the applicants to the next stage in the workflow.

  3. OR select Move to, and then choose the stage you would like to move the applicants to.


  4. After you select Move to and choose the stage(s) you would like to move the applicant to, click Submit.


Moving Applicants to a New Opening

In addition to moving applicants from one stage to another, applicants can also be moved from Opening to another.

To move a single applicant to a new Opening, follow the steps below:

  1. Click More actions next to the applicant and select Move to.

    move to new opening.png

  2. Select a new Opening to move the applicant to, and if desired, choose a stage within that Opening. Fountain recommends that you move the applicant to the first stage in the new Opening.

    move to new opening 2.png

  3. Click Submit to move the applicant to the new Opening.

    submit move applicant new opening.png

Stages that Allow Revisits

Some stages may be completed more than once, as shown in the following table.

Stage Type



Data Collection

Not Allowed

Applicant will see a success message and will not auto-advance, even if Automatically move applicant to next stage after data is collected is enabled.



Applicant will experience the stage again, and will be moved based on stage settings.


Not Allowed

Applicant may not complete a learning stage more than once. They will respond to rules based on the results from the test already taken.

Personality Assessment

Not Allowed

Applicant will see a success message and will not auto-advance, even if Automatically move applicant to next stage after data is collected is enabled.

Video Recording

Not Allowed

Applicant will see a success message and will not auto-advance, even if Automatically move applicant to next stage after data is collected is enabled.

Document Signing


Applicant will experience the stage again, and will be moved based on stage settings.

1-9 Form


Applicant will experience the stage again, and employee Section 1 fields will be blank allowing them to refill in the information.



Applicant will experience the stage again, but will not be able to revisit any already completed items within the stage.



Applicant will experience the stage again, and will be moved based on stage settings.

Tech Check


Applicant will experience the stage again, and the stage will be marked as Incomplete

W4 Federal Form


Applicant will experience the stage again, and employee fields will be blank allowing them to refill in the information.

W4 State Form


Applicant will experience the stage again, and employee fields will be blank allowing them to refill in the information.

Background Check

Not Allowed

If the applicant has already consented to the background check, the consent email will not be sent. Applicant will be moved based on stage settings.

Try It Out!

Click the image below to practice taking action on an applicant:

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