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Applicant Profiles
Updated over 5 months ago

As a recruiter, it’s important that all information about an applicant lives in one place. The Applicant Profile provides an organized view of each applicant’s information and a log of all activities and correspondence with that applicant.

Watch the following video for an overview of the Applicant Profile:

Uses for an Applicant Profile

You can use the Applicant Profile to see:

The applicant's application and questionnaire responses, their current status, and any recruiter-added notes.


A history of their activity in Fountain.


Applicant or user uploaded files (i.e. Drivers License).


You can also update the applicant's information and contact them directly through the Applicant Profile.

Accessing an Applicant Profile

To access an Applicant Profile, click on an applicant’s name in the Applicant Table or the Universal Applicant View. The applicant's Applicant Profile will open towards the right.

Applicant Profile Details

Within the Applicant Profile, there are various sections. Click the categories below to learn more!


The Information section displays an applicant's contact information as well as the Opening and stage they are currently in. If the applicant is a potential duplicate, this will be listed above the applicant's name. Click the View link to see the other Openings they've applied to.


The Status section displays an applicant's submitted information and progress in each stage. This includes background checks or other stage progress, scheduled events, signed documents, etc.


The Notes section allows you to add internal-only notes about the applicant. Notes are stamped with the date/time and user name. They are visible only to you and other users in Fountain. Examples of notes are, "Applicant called about his application" or a call to action for another team member "Ted, please call this applicant to reschedule their interview". To add a note, click on Add note then type your note. Click Save when you're done.


The Details section houses all information that an applicant has submitted in a Data Collection stage Only users with the permissions to "Manage Applicants" can edit applicants' data by hovering over the response and clicking on the edit icon. Ensure information is accurate before saving; there is no undo button and you will not be able to retrieve the previous value.


Empty Fields

Fields may be empty for any of the following reasons:

  1. The applicant hasn't yet reached that Data Collection stage where these questions are answered

  2. The applicant has passed through this stage but the question was not marked as required and they did not provide an answer.

  3. The fields are from questions that were once added to a Data Collection stage but have since been removed. Previous applicants would still have this question field completed on their Applicant Profile but new applicants will never see or respond to this question.

  4. The question is a Hidden question type and requires a user to edit and add the information.

Secure Fields

Secure data fields are visible only to Users with permission to "Access secure data." They are distinguishable in the Data Collection Stage where the question is marked as a secure question (ie. gender, income information, identification numbers). Learn more about secure questions HERE.


The Messages tab shows the SMS message history between Fountain users and the applicant. You can also see automated messages and Fountain AI messages. Rather than using the Action dropdown to send a one-time SMS, you can use this section to have a more conversational chat with the applicant. You can also apply a saved template by clicking on the + icon and then selecting your template for use. Fountain also provides a quick and easy link to 'Manage' these templates through this screen.


The History tab displays all actions that applicants, users, or automated actions from Fountain have taken in relation to a given applicant. Actions are trackable by date, medium (email/SMS), stage type (Scheduler, Background Check, Data Collection, etc.), or the user who performed the action. Additionally, all sent emails and all sent/received SMS are displayed here. Users may click on a message to view its contents.

Important Note:

The History tab will only show actions from the last two years.


The Files tab contains all of the documents uploaded to the Applicant's Profile, including files the applicant uploaded during a Data Collection Stage and those uploaded by a user. This is where users can review, approve, recollect, or download documents submitted by applicants.
When uploading files as a user, the maximum file size allowed is 15MB.

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