Some businesses may add extra fees to the normal prices of their services. An example is a $5 trip fee charged to the customer to compensate travel/toll expenses. If you pay your teams as a percentage of the base amount of the booking, then this fee will be shared with your teams as well.
If you want to avoid sharing this fee with your teams, you can add a Fee Adjustment to your Wage Method settings so that it is excluded (or included if you prefer) from your teams’ earning calculations.
How to add a Fee Adjustment to your Teams’ Earnings
Note: this only applies if you pay your teams as a percentage of the booking’s total (i.e Percentage-Based wages):
Go to Settings > Wages Methods
Click on your wage method
Enter a Fee Adjustment as either a percentage or an amount. A negative amount (i.e -5% or -$5) if you want the amount to be deducted from the team’s earnings, or a positive amount if you want the amount to be added to the team’s earnings
Click Save
Now when you go to pay your teams, you will see the Fee Adjustment included when the team’s earnings are calculated.