You can now set two types of service date restrictions on your discount codes:
Service Date must be within a specific date range (i.e. April 1st – April 7th)
Service Date must be for specific days of the week (i.e. Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)
Discount Code for Specific Date range
This is useful if you want to run a special promotion on a certain date(s). You simply need to set a starting and ending date:
Go to Settings > Promotions > Discount Codes
Click Add New
Make sure that the Discount type is set to Booking
Fill out the discount code and discount amount
Scroll to the Usage Limits section
Set the Service Date to the start and end date of your promotion
7. Click Save
Discount Code for Specific Days of the Week
By default, discount codes can be used for bookings that are scheduled for any day of the week.
You can restrict which days of the week a discount code is valid for by choosing specific days of the week the booking must be scheduled for i.e. “get a discount if you book an appointment for a Tuesday”.
Go to Settings > Promotions > Discount Codes
Click Add New
Make sure that the Discount type is set to Booking
Fill out the discount code and discount amount
Scroll to the Usage Limits section
Set the Days of the Week the the booking’s service date must occur on to get the discount
Click Save