You have the option to automatically put holds on credit cards and charge them in Launch27 using these scheduled tasks:
o Put On Hold With Stripe/ Launch27 Pay
o Charge Cards With Stripe/ Launch27 Pay
How it Works
Once enabled, these tasks allow you to specify the time of day to run each task relative to a booking’s service date:
o Same Day as booking
o X days Before a booking
o X days After a booking
For example, you can:
o Put Cards on Hold at 7:00AM on the SAME DAY as the booking, and
o Charge Cards at 7:00AM 1 Day AFTER the booking
If any credit card declines/failures occur, the system will email:
o an alert to the customer for them update their billing info (the email templates for these alerts must be enabled in your account by going to Settings > Emails > Email Notifications)
Requirements for Putting Cards on Hold
A booking must meet these requirements in order for the credit card to be put on hold:
1. Booking’s payment method is Stripe/ Launch27 Pay
2. There is an Amount to charge (booking’s Total Price >0; or the Cancellation Fee >0)
3. Booking does not already have charges or holds on the credit card
Requirements for Charging Cards
A booking must meet these requirements in order for the credit card to be charged:
1. Booking’s payment method is Stripe/ Launch27 Pay
2. There is an Amount to charge (booking’s Total Price > 0; or the Cancellation Fee >0)
3. Booking does not already have charges on the credit card
4. If the booking’s Amount has already been put on hold, the Amount that was put on hold must equal the Amount being charged
How to Enable these Tasks
Note: Both of these tasks are DISABLED by default and you will have to enable them first if you want to use them.
1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous > Automated Tasks
2. Find the task you want to enable
3. Click on the settings icon, and choose Edit
4. Set the time of day you want the task to Run At, and when you want the task run On relative to the booking’s service date
5. Click Save
6. Click on the settings icon, and choose Enable Task.