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Zapier Integration – Overview
Zapier Integration – Overview
Fabiana avatar
Written by Fabiana
Updated over a week ago


Launch27’s Zapier integration allows you to sync data from Launch27 into any of the 500 apps we connect with including MailChimp, Infusionsoft, Quickbooks, SalesForce, Gmail, and more.

Note: Our Zapier integration is only available on the Pro plan or higher

How can I use Zapier with my business?

To create more automation and to better communicate information with your customers and office staff, you can create zaps based on preset Launch27 triggers.

These triggers are events that you can set to create an action from within the other connected app.

For example, you can have Zapier listen for when a booking is created in Launch27, and then automatically add the customer to MailChimp as a subscriber.

Here are the triggers we offer (events or actions from inside Launch27)

o Booking Created

o Booking Updated

o Booking Cancelled

o Booking Completed

o Booking Assignments Changed (i.e. team assignments)

o Booking Restored (i.e. from cancelled back to active)

o Quote Created

o Customer Created

o Customer Updated

Getting Started:

You will need a Zapier account in order to begin using this integration. Be sure to check out their plan options or check out their free trial

Anybody that goes to this URL can have access to our Launch27 app on Zapier:

  1. Go to Settings > Misc. >Zapier

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click create from scratch or use one of our pre made zaps

Here's how a zap set up would look:

  1. Step 1 will always be selecting Launch27 and the event (trigger you want to use)

  2. Step 2 will be selecting the secondary app to sync data to and customizing the action and data that will send

  3. Once the Zap is ready, you can set it live to begin the automation.


This video explains how to set up your first Zap:

Customer Attributes (data) that are synced:

  • Address

  • City

  • Created at

  • Email

  • First Name

  • Full Name

  • ID (i.e. customer profile ID in Launch27)

  • Last Name

  • Notes

  • Phone

  • Profile Image URL

  • Referral Balance – Earned

  • Referral Balance – Pending

  • Referral Balance – Redeemed

  • Referral_code

  • State

  • Tags

  • Updated at

  • Zip

Booking Attributes (data) that are synced:

  • Address

  • Assigned_teams

  • Cancellation_date

  • Cancellation_type

  • Cancellation_type_text

  • Cancelled_by

  • Charge Amount

  • City

  • Created_at

  • Custom_data – custom fields created on booking form

  • Customer_notes

  • Discount

  • Discount Amount

  • Duration

  • Email

  • Extras

  • Extras Price

  • Fields with no value

  • Final Price

  • First Name

  • Frequency

  • Gift Card Amount

  • ID – the booking ID

  • Is_first_recurring – is this their first

  • Recurring booking

  • Is_new_customer – is this a new customer

  • Last Name

  • Name – the first and last name of customer

  • Payment Method

  • Phone – the customer phone number

  • Price Adjustment

  • Price_adjustment_comment

  • Pricing_parameters

  • Pricing_parameters_price

  • Rating_color

  • Rating_comment

  • Rating_comment_presence

  • Rating_text

  • Revenue:

  • Revenue_with_tax

  • Revenue_with_tax_and_tip

  • Sales Tax

  • Service

  • Service Date

  • Service Price

  • Service Time

  • Service_date_for_invoice

  • Service_name_for_invoice

  • Sms_notifications_enabled – are they opted in to receive text reminders

  • Source – ie. recurring booking

  • Staff_notes

  • State

  • Subtotal

  • Team_details

  • Team_share_amount

  • Team_share_percent

  • Team_share_total

  • Time_Estimate

  • Tip Amount

  • Tip:

  • Updated_At:

  • Zip

Ideas for Zaps

  • Booking cancelled trigger to tag customer in Mailchimp or email marketing software

  • Booking Updated Trigger to communicate rating feedback to office staff users via Slack, Whatsapp, or other messaging apps

  • Customer created trigger to trigger a welcome email to customer via email marketing software with policies and discount code for future visit

  • Quote created trigger to email a reminder to quote customer about submitting booking via email marketing software

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