Customers can login to their self-service account to add a tip/gratuity to their booking.
Enable Tip feature for Customers
You must first enable the setting in your account that allows customers to add tip themselves.
If you do not enable this setting, the system will not allow customers to add a tip when they are booking via your form, or in their self-service account:
1. Login as an admin
2. Go to Settings > Subdomain tab
3. Scroll to the Bookings Settings section
4. Choose the Allow customers to add Tips themselves option
5. Click Save Changes
How Customers can Add a Tip to Booking
After you’ve enabled the Allow customers to add Tips themselves setting, customers can add tips to their bookings by:
Editing their Booking
Customers can log in to their account and add a Tip by editing their booking:
1. Customer goes to https://yoursite.launch27.com/login to login to their account
2. Go to Booking History page
3. Find their booking and click on it
4. Scroll to the Tip field and enter an amount
5. Click Save Changes
Using the Booking Tip Url link in your email templates
You can also add an email attribute {{ booking_tip_url }} to your booking email templates.
When the customer clicks it, they will be asked to login to their account where they will see a popup form that allows them to add a Tip: