Use this feature when you speak to a potential customer who wants more info about your services but may not be ready to book at that moment.
You can add in whatever info they give you into the staff form, click save booking as quote on the right hand menu, and send the customer an email with their quote details and a preselected link for them to click, add card details, select a date, and book..
This eliminates the need for the customer to re-enter each detail when they go to book their appointment, and it saves any price adjustments or discounts you may have quoted them.
How to Save a booking as a Quote
Important: Do not add credit card details when submitting a quote using this feature.
Card details will need to be re entered as they will not get captured .
1. Go to the Add Booking page (click the plus sign on the left hand menu)
2. When you’ve finished filling out the details, click Save as Quote on the right hand side
3. A pop up window will be displayed that lets you email the quote to your customer for them to create their booking with the details
To Manage Quotes go to Bookings > Quotes
You will be able to:
o Change its Expiration Date
o Create a Booking from the quote manually
o Share the Quote Link
o View changes
o Delete the quote
Change the Quote Expiration Policy
By default, we set your quotes to expire after 30 days. To change the expiration:
1. Go to Bookings > Quotes
2. Click Settings
3. Change Quote Expires After to any number of days you like
4. Click Save Changes
Now any new quote that is created will expire after the number of days you just set.
Note: your existing quotes will not be changed unless you manually change them.
How to Change the URL used in the Quote links
The quote links use the Booking URL in your account, which can be changed by going to the Settings > Subdomain tab.
Can quotes be re-used?
No, quotes cannot be reused. After they expire, or after it’s been used to create a booking, it can’t be used again.
Will the quoted Service Date and Time be available when the customer books?
Not necessarily. We can’t guarantee that the service date and time will be available in a quote when the customer books.
The reason why is because customers may not book until after the quoted date/time has passed. For that reason, we don’t want to prevent other customers from being able to book for the same service date/time.
If the service date and time are unavailable when the customer goes to book, they’ll have to pick another date/time.
How do I customize the email that is sent to customers?
1. Go to Settings > Emails > Email Templates
2. Click on the Customers tab
3. Click on the Share Quote email template to customize it