To control some information from being shown in these emails, such as customer phone numbers, emails, etc, you will need to disable this in their team permissions. The Daily Schedule emails can be sent automatically, however it needs to be enabled in the templates and enabled on your Schedule Tasks page .You also have the option of editing the emails that are sent to your teams by going to their templates.
To View/Edit Emails Sent to your Teams:
1. Go to Settings > Emails > Email Templates
2. Select the Team tab
*Note: Click here to learn how to edit your email templates.
To Edit Team Permissions:
1. Go to Settings > People > Teams
2. Permissions
To Automatically Send Daily Schedule Emails to Teams:
1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous > Scheduled Tasks
2. Select the Settings gear to enable the task
List of Emails sent to Teams:
o Availability For Specific Date Changed
Subject: Changes to your Availability
Sent to TEAM when date availability added.
o Booking Comment Added
Subject: {{ booking_comment.author_name }} commented on Booking for {{ booking.service_date }}
Sent to TEAM when new comment is added to the Booking.
o Booking Invitation
Subject: You’ve been invited to a booking for {{ booking.service_date }} – {{ booking.service_time }}
Sent to TEAM when a TEAM is invited to a booking.
o Booking Updated
Subject: Changes made to {{ customer.name }}’s booking for {{ service_date_was }}
Notifies assigned TEAMS when a STAFF or CUSTOMER makes any changes to their Booking.
o Daily Schedule
Subject: Your team daily schedule
A Schedule that is sent to each TEAM containing all Bookings that have been assigned to them.
o Default Availability Added
Subject: Your Default Availability has been Saved
Sent to TEAM when default availability added.
o Default Availability Changed
Subject: Changes to your Default Availability
Sent to TEAM when default availability changed.
o Email Change Instructions
Subject: {{ client.name }}: Email change instructions
Sent to TEAM immediately after they submit the Change Email form. It contains a link that allows them to confirm the email change.
o Email Confirmation
Subject: {{ client.name }}: Please confirm your email address
Standard email confirmation asking new TEAM users to confirm their email address when their account is created by an ADMIN.
o Password Reset
Subject: {{ client.name }}: Password reset instructions
Sent to TEAM immediately after they submit the Forgot Password form. It contains a link that allows them to create a new password.
o Payment Details
Subject: Payment for the week {{ payment.week }}
Payment details sent to TEAMS after you pay them using the Payments feature.
o Rating Feedback
Subject: Ratings email {{ booking.rating_comment_presence }}
Sent to Customers to rate the work of the team. Rating emails are only sent for completed bookings that have teams assigned to the booking.
o Request for Time Off Submitted
Subject: Your Request for Time Off
Sent to TEAM when time off requested.
o Team Booking Cancelled
Subject: IMPORTANT: Booking {{ service_date_was }} Cancelled
Sent to TEAM when a CUSTOMER or STAFF cancels a Booking that has already been assigned a TEAM.
o Team Booking Rescheduled
Subject: IMPORTANT: Booking {{ service_date_was }} Rescheduled
Sent to TEAM when a CUSTOMER or STAFF reschedules a Booking that has already been assigned a TEAM.
o Team Invitation Reply Accepted by Support
Subject: You’ve been accepted to a booking for {{ booking.service_date }} – {{ booking.service_time }}
Sent to TEAM when SUPPORT has accepted their reply to a booking invitation.
o Team Invitation Reply Declined by Support
Subject: Sorry, you were not accepted to a booking for {{ booking.service_date }} – {{ booking.service_time }}
Sent to TEAM when SUPPORT has declined their reply to a booking invitation.
o Welcome
Subject: {{ client.name }}: Welcome aboard
Sent to TEAM immediately after their account is confirmed. It contains a link that allows them to create a password and sign in.