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Company Information and Policies
Fabiana avatar
Written by Fabiana
Updated over a week ago

To set up your company information and policies:

1. Go to Settings > General > Subdomain Tab

Company Info

Company Name

This is going to be the display name used in emails sent to your customers. Make sure you enter your Company Name with preferred capitalization and spelling.

Support Email

This email is usually a group email that Admins have access to. Your support email will receive emails when bookings are created, changes are made, etc. Click here to view a list of emails that can be sent to your Support Email address


When choosing your timezone, make sure this will be your permanent time zone. If you decide later to change your timezone the system will allow you to make the change, however the system will not update your current booking’s service times. You will you need to manually update the service times to reflect the new timezone.

The image that you upload as your logo will appear in your email templates that are sent to your customers.

Booking Settings

These options will appear on your booking form. You will need to have an account set up with Stripe in order to accept Credit Cards as an option. We do not have an integration with Paypal, therefore Paypal payments will need to be collected outside of the system – we offer this option as a way for you to distinguish between other payment options.

Recurring Bookings

The number of bookings to block will determine how many future bookings you want to view on your calendar in a recurring series. The system will always create bookings automatically until you cancel the bookings. The block option is strictly just to determine how many of the future bookings you want to view on your calendar at a time.

Booking with Multiples Services

When you enable this option, the service display type on your booking form should be changed to the accordion panels. Click here to see how to choose this option on your booking form.

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